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File include/brisk/core/Bytes.hpp

fromHex function

size_t fromHex(bytes_mutable_view data,
               std::string_view encoded)

Converts string in Hex format to span of bytes
Returns number of bytes written or SIZE_MAX in case of error

toHex function

size_t toHex(std::span<char> encoded, bytes_view data,
             bool upperCase = true)

Converts span of bytes to string in Hex format
Returns number of characters written or SIZE_MAX in case of error

fromBase64 function

size_t fromBase64(bytes_mutable_view data,
                  std::string_view encoded,
                  bool urlSafe = false, bool strict = false)

Converts string in Base64 format to span of bytes
Returns number of bytes written or SIZE_MAX in case of error

toBase64 function

size_t toBase64(std::span<char> encoded, bytes_view data,
                bool urlSafe = false, bool pad = true)

Converts span of bytes to string in Base64 format
Returns number of characters written or SIZE_MAX in case of error

CC class

template <size_t Size> CC

Array of characters of fixed size

FixedBytes class

template <size_t Size> FixedBytes

Array of bytes of fixed size.

This array is used to store a fixed number of bytes. The size of the array is defined at compile time and cannot be changed at runtime.

formatter class

template <size_t N> formatter

hash class

template <size_t N> hash

template <size_t N> hash

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