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File include/brisk/core/Cryptography.hpp

ECrypto class


Exception class for cryptographic errors.

cryptoRandomInplaceSafe function

size_t cryptoRandomInplaceSafe(bytes_mutable_view data)

Retrieves cryptographically secure random bytes.
Param data The buffer to store the random bytes.
Returns The number of bytes received.

cryptoRandomInplace function

void cryptoRandomInplace(bytes_mutable_view data)

Retrieves cryptographically secure random bytes.
Param data The buffer to store the random bytes.
Exceptions Thrown if there are not enough random bytes.

cryptoRandom function

bytes cryptoRandom(size_t size)

Retrieves cryptographically secure random bytes.
Param size The number of bytes to return.
Returns The random bytes as a bytes object.

cryptoRandomFixed function

template <size_t Size>
[[nodiscard]] inline FixedBytes<Size> cryptoRandomFixed(size_constant<Size> =

Retrieves cryptographically secure random bytes as a fixed-size array.
Template param Size The size of the fixed byte array.
Param size_constant The size of the fixed byte array (unused).
Returns The random bytes as a FixedBytes<Size\> object.

cryptoRandomReader function

RC<Stream> cryptoRandomReader()

Creates a RC<Stream> for cryptographically secure random bytes.
Returns A RC<Stream> for random bytes.

HashMethod enum

enum class HashMethod

Enum class representing various hash methods.

MD5 enumerator (HashMethod::MD5)

MD5 hashing method

SHA1 enumerator (HashMethod::SHA1)

SHA-1 hashing method

SHA256 enumerator (HashMethod::SHA256)

SHA-256 hashing method

SHA512 enumerator (HashMethod::SHA512)

SHA-512 hashing method

SHA3_256 enumerator (HashMethod::SHA3_256)

SHA3-256 hashing method

SHA3_512 enumerator (HashMethod::SHA3_512)

SHA3-512 hashing method

Last enumerator (HashMethod::Last)

Sentinel value for the last hash method

hashBitSize function

constexpr size_t hashBitSize(HashMethod method)

Returns the output bit size of the specified hash method.
Param method The hash method for which to retrieve the bit size.
Returns The bit size of the hash output for the given method. Returns 0 if the method is unrecognized.

defaultNames variable

template <>
inline constexpr std::initializer_list<

Provides names for hash methods.

hash function

Bytes hash(HashMethod method, bytes_view data)

Hashes a sequence of bytes using the specified hashing method.
Param method The hashing method to use.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting hash as a Bytes object.

md5 function

MD5Hash md5(bytes_view data)

Computes the MD5 hash of a sequence of bytes.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting MD5 hash as an MD5Hash object.

sha1 function

SHA1Hash sha1(bytes_view data)

Computes the SHA-1 hash of a sequence of bytes.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA-1 hash as a SHA1Hash object.

sha256 function

SHA256Hash sha256(bytes_view data)

Computes the SHA-256 hash of a sequence of bytes.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA-256 hash as a SHA256Hash object.

sha512 function

SHA512Hash sha512(bytes_view data)

Computes the SHA-512 hash of a sequence of bytes.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA-512 hash as a SHA512Hash object.

sha3_256 function

SHA3_256Hash sha3_256(bytes_view data)

Computes the SHA3-256 hash of a sequence of bytes.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA3-256 hash as a SHA3_256Hash object.

sha3_512 function

SHA3_512Hash sha3_512(bytes_view data)

Computes the SHA3-512 hash of a sequence of bytes.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA3-512 hash as a SHA3_512Hash object.

hash function

Bytes hash(HashMethod method, string_view data)

Hashes a string using the specified hashing method.
Param method The hashing method to use.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting hash as a Bytes object.

md5 function

MD5Hash md5(string_view data)

Computes the MD5 hash of a string.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting MD5 hash as an MD5Hash object.

sha1 function

SHA1Hash sha1(string_view data)

Computes the SHA-1 hash of a string.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA-1 hash as a SHA1Hash object.

sha256 function

SHA256Hash sha256(string_view data)

Computes the SHA-256 hash of a string.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA-256 hash as a SHA256Hash object.

sha512 function

SHA512Hash sha512(string_view data)

Computes the SHA-512 hash of a string.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA-512 hash as a SHA512Hash object.

sha3_256 function

SHA3_256Hash sha3_256(string_view data)

Computes the SHA3-256 hash of a string.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA3-256 hash as a SHA3_256Hash object.

sha3_512 function

SHA3_512Hash sha3_512(string_view data)

Computes the SHA3-512 hash of a string.
Param data The string to hash.
Returns The resulting SHA3-512 hash as a SHA3_512Hash object.

Hasher class


Provides a common interface for hashers, enabling generic hashing functionality.

Hasher function (Hasher::Hasher)

Hasher() noexcept

Default constructor. Initializes the hasher with the default hashing method.

explicit Hasher(HashMethod method) noexcept

Constructs a hasher with the specified hashing method.
Param method The hashing method to use.

finish function (Hasher::finish)

bool finish(bytes_mutable_view hashOutput)

Finalizes the hashing process and writes the result to the provided buffer.
Param hashOutput The buffer where the final hash result will be written.
Returns True if the finalization was successful, otherwise false.

write function (Hasher::write)

bool write(bytes_view data)

Writes a sequence of bytes to the hasher for hashing.
Param data The sequence of bytes to hash.
Returns True if the write operation was successful, otherwise false.

bool write(const uint8_t *data, size_t size)

Writes a sequence of bytes to the hasher for hashing.
Param data Pointer to the byte data.
Param size The number of bytes to write.
Returns True if the write operation was successful, otherwise false.

method variable (Hasher::method)

HashMethod method

The hashing method used by this hasher.

state variable (Hasher::state)

FixedBytes<416> state

Internal state of the hasher.

SHA256Hasher class


Provides a SHA-256 specific hasher with SHA-256 as the hashing method.

SHA256Hasher function (SHA256Hasher::SHA256Hasher)

SHA256Hasher() noexcept : Hasher(HashMethod::SHA256)

Constructs a SHA256Hasher with SHA-256 as the hashing method.

finish function (SHA256Hasher::finish)

bool finish(SHA256Hash &hash)

Finalizes the hashing process and writes the result to the provided SHA256Hash object.
Param hash The SHA256Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns True if the finalization was successful, otherwise false.

SHA512Hasher class


Provides a SHA-512 specific hasher with SHA-512 as the hashing method.

SHA512Hasher function (SHA512Hasher::SHA512Hasher)

SHA512Hasher() noexcept : Hasher(HashMethod::SHA512)

Constructs a SHA512Hasher with SHA-512 as the hashing method.

finish function (SHA512Hasher::finish)

bool finish(SHA512Hash &hashOutput)

Finalizes the hashing process and writes the result to the provided SHA512Hash object.
Param hashOutput The SHA512Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns True if the finalization was successful, otherwise false.

hashStream function

RC<Stream> hashStream(HashMethod method,
                      bytes_mutable_view hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for hashing using the specified hash method.
Param method The hashing method to use.
Param hashOutput The buffer where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for hashing.

md5HashStream function

RC<Stream> md5HashStream(MD5Hash &hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for MD5 hashing.
Param hashOutput The MD5Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for MD5 hashing.

sha1HashStream function

RC<Stream> sha1HashStream(SHA1Hash &hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for SHA-1 hashing.
Param hashOutput The SHA1Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for SHA-1 hashing.

sha256HashStream function

RC<Stream> sha256HashStream(SHA256Hash &hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for SHA-256 hashing.
Param hashOutput The SHA256Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for SHA-256 hashing.

sha512HashStream function

RC<Stream> sha512HashStream(SHA512Hash &hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for SHA-512 hashing.
Param hashOutput The SHA512Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for SHA-512 hashing.

sha3_256HashStream function

RC<Stream> sha3_256HashStream(SHA3_256Hash &hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for SHA3-256 hashing.
Param hashOutput The SHA3_256Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for SHA3-256 hashing.

sha3_512HashStream function

RC<Stream> sha3_512HashStream(SHA3_512Hash &hashOutput)

Creates a RC<Stream> for SHA3-512 hashing.
Param hashOutput The SHA3_512Hash object where the final hash result will be written.
Returns A RC<Stream> for SHA3-512 hashing.

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