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File include/brisk/core/Localization.hpp

Locale class


LocaleAbstract base class for localization.

This class defines the interface for translating keys into localized strings.

translate function (Locale::translate)

virtual const std::string &
translate(std::string_view key) const noexcept = 0

Translates a given key into a localized string.
Param key The key to translate.
Returns A reference to the localized string.

locale variable

extern RC<const Locale> locale

External reference to the current locale.

stripLocaleContext function (Internal::stripLocaleContext)

constexpr std::string_view
stripLocaleContext(std::string_view key)

Strips the locale context from a translation key.

This function removes any context information from a translation key that is separated by "||".
Param key The translation key potentially containing context.
Returns A string view to the stripped key.

SimpleLocale class


SimpleLocaleA concrete implementation of the Locale class.

This class provides methods to manage translations in a simple way, including adding, removing, and clearing translations.

translate function (SimpleLocale::translate)

const std::string &
translate(std::string_view key) const noexcept final

Translates a given key into a localized string.
Param key The key to translate.
Returns A reference to the localized string.

removeTranslation function (SimpleLocale::removeTranslation)

void removeTranslation(std::string_view key)

Removes a translation entry.
Param key The key for the translation to remove.

clear function (SimpleLocale::clear)

void clear()

Clears all translations.

addTranslation function (SimpleLocale::addTranslation)

void addTranslation(std::string_view key, std::string value)

Adds a new translation entry.
Param key The key for the translation.
Param value The localized string corresponding to the key.

LocaleFormatString class

template <Internal::FixedString key> LocaleFormatString

Template param key A fixed string representing a translation key.LocaleFormatStringA structure for formatting localized strings with arguments.

This structure provides functionality for formatting strings that may contain placeholders.

str function (LocaleFormatString::str)

static constexpr std::string_view str()

Returns the stripped translation key.
Returns A string view to the stripped key.

checkFormatArgs function (LocaleFormatString::checkFormatArgs)

template <typename... Args>
static consteval void checkFormatArgs()

Checks the format arguments at compile-time.

This function checks if the provided arguments are compatible with the format string.
Template param Args The types of the arguments to check.

operator() function (LocaleFormatString::operator())

template <typename... Args>
std::string operator()(Args &&...args) const

Formats a localized string with the provided arguments.
Template param Args The types of the arguments.
Param args The arguments to format into the string.
Returns The formatted localized string.

operator""_tr function

template <Internal::FixedString s>
inline std::string operator""_tr() noexcept

User-defined literal for translating a fixed string.

This operator allows using the _tr literal to easily translate fixed strings.
Template param s The fixed string to translate.
Returns The translated string.

std::string greeting = "hello"_tr;  // Translates the key "hello" to the localized string.
std::cout << greeting;  // Output: "Hola" if the locale is Spanish.

operator""_trfmt function

template <Internal::FixedString s>
constexpr LocaleFormatString<s> operator""_trfmt() noexcept

User-defined literal for formatting a localized string.

This operator allows using the _trfmt literal to create a LocaleFormatString for fixed strings.
Template param s The fixed string for formatting.
Returns A LocaleFormatString object.

constexpr auto welcomeMessage = "welcome_msg"_trfmt;  // Creates a LocaleFormatString for "welcome_msg".
std::string formattedMessage = welcomeMessage("John");  // Formats the message with the name "John".
std::cout << formattedMessage;  // Output: "Welcome, John!" if the translation is "Welcome, {0}!".

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