File include/brisk/core/Math.hpp
template <typename T> Fraction
A template structure for representing and manipulating fractions.
This structure allows operations with fractions, including arithmetic operations, normalization,
and conversions between fractions and other numeric types. The fraction is represented as a numerator
and a denominator, with the denominator being non-negative and the fraction in its reduced form.
Template param T
The type used for the numerator and denominator. It must support basic arithmetic operations
and the std::abs
function (Fraction::Fraction<T>
Fraction(T num = 0, T den = 1)
: numerator(num), denominator(den)
Constructs a Fraction with the given numerator and denominator.
The constructor normalizes the fraction such that the denominator is positive and the fraction
is reduced to its simplest form.
Param num
The numerator of the fraction. Default is 0.
Param den
The denominator of the fraction. Default is 1.
Fraction(float) = delete
Deleted constructor for float types.
This constructor is disabled to prevent the creation of a Fraction with a float type.
Fraction(double) = delete
Deleted constructor for double types.
This constructor is disabled to prevent the creation of a Fraction with a double type.
function (Fraction::normalize
void normalize()
Normalizes the fraction.
Ensures that the denominator is positive and the fraction is reduced to its simplest form.
function (Fraction::abs
static T abs(T v)
Computes the absolute value of the given value.
Param v
The value whose absolute value is to be computed.
Returns The absolute value of the given value.
variable (Fraction::numerator
T numerator
The numerator of the fraction.
variable (Fraction::denominator
T denominator
The denominator of the fraction.
variable (Fraction::Reflection
constexpr static std::tuple Reflection
Reflection data for the Fraction structure.
function (Fraction::operator+
Fraction operator+() const
Unary plus operator.
Returns A copy of the fraction.
function (Fraction::operator-
Fraction operator-() const
Unary minus operator.
Returns A fraction with the same denominator but negated numerator.
operator bool
function (Fraction::operator bool
explicit operator bool() const
Converts the fraction to a boolean.
Returns true
if the numerator is non-zero, false
operator double
function (Fraction::operator double
explicit operator double() const
Converts the fraction to a double.
Returns The floating-point representation of the fraction.
operator float
function (Fraction::operator float
explicit operator float() const
Converts the fraction to a float.
Returns The floating-point representation of the fraction.
operator type-parameter-0-0
function (Fraction::operator type-parameter-0-0
explicit operator T() const
Converts the fraction to the template type T.
Returns The fractional value as type T.
function (Fraction::operator+=
Fraction &operator+=(const Fraction &y)
Adds another fraction to this fraction.
Param y
The fraction to be added.
Returns A reference to this fraction after addition.
function (Fraction::operator-=
Fraction &operator-=(const Fraction &y)
Subtracts another fraction from this fraction.
Param y
The fraction to be subtracted.
Returns A reference to this fraction after subtraction.
function (Fraction::operator*=
Fraction &operator*=(const Fraction &y)
Multiplies this fraction by another fraction.
Param y
The fraction to multiply by.
Returns A reference to this fraction after multiplication.
function (Fraction::operator/=
Fraction &operator/=(const Fraction &y)
Divides this fraction by another fraction.
Param y
The fraction to divide by.
Returns A reference to this fraction after division.
function (Fraction::gcd
static T gcd(T a, T b)
Computes the greatest common divisor of two values.
Param a
The first value.
Param b
The second value.
Returns The greatest common divisor of the two values.
function (Fraction::lcm
static T lcm(T a, T b)
Computes the least common multiple of two values.
Param a
The first value.
Param b
The second value.
Returns The least common multiple of the two values.
template <typename T> constexpr T sqr(T x) noexcept
Computes the square of a value.
Template param T
The type of the value. Must support multiplication.
Param x
The value to be squared.
Returns The square of the given value.
template <typename T>
constexpr inline T deg2rad = std::numbers::pi_v<T> / T(180)
Converts degrees to radians.
Template param T
The numeric type.
template <typename T>
constexpr inline T rad2deg = T(180) / std::numbers::pi_v<T>
Converts radians to degrees.
Template param T
The numeric type.
template <typename T> constexpr T mix(float t, T x, T y)
Performs linear interpolation between two values.
Template param T
The type of the values.
Param t
The interpolation factor, ranging from 0 to 1.
Param x
The starting value.
Param y
The ending value.
Returns The interpolated value between x
and y
template <std::floating_point T> constexpr T fract(T x)
Computes the fractional part of a floating-point value.
Template param T
A floating-point type.
Param x
The value to be processed.
Returns The fractional part of the given value.
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