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File include/brisk/core/Utilities.hpp

Cache class

template <typename T, typename... Args> Cache

A caching structure that stores a value and its associated parameters. Updates the value if the input parameters change.
Template param T The type of the cached value.
Template param Args The types of the parameters used to generate the cached value.

data variable (Cache::data)

optional<T> data

The cached value.

parameters variable (Cache::parameters)

std::tuple<Args...> parameters

The tuple storing the input parameters associated with the cached value.

update function (Cache::update)

template <typename Fn>
void update(Fn &&fn, const Args &...args)

Updates the cached value by calling the provided function if the input parameters change.
Template param Fn The type of the function used to compute the value.
Param fn The function to compute the value.
Param args The input parameters for the function.

operator() function (Cache::operator())

template <typename Fn>
T &operator()(Fn &&fn, const Args &...args)

Calls the provided function and updates the cached value if necessary, then returns the cached value.
Template param Fn The type of the function used to compute the value.
Param fn The function to compute the value.
Param args The input parameters for the function.
Returns The updated cached value.

get function (Cache::get)

T &get()

Returns a reference to the cached value.
Returns A reference to the cached value.

const T &get() const

Returns a constant reference to the cached value.
Returns A constant reference to the cached value.

IfChanged class

template <typename... Args> IfChanged

A utility that checks if the given arguments have changed since the last call.
Template param Args The types of the arguments to track.

data variable (IfChanged::data)

optional<std::tuple<Args...>> data

The last stored tuple of arguments.

operator() function (IfChanged::operator())

bool operator()(const Args &...args)

Checks if the given arguments have changed since the last call.
Param args The arguments to check for changes.
Returns True if the arguments have changed, otherwise false.

reset function (IfChanged::reset)

void reset()

Resets the internal state, clearing the stored arguments.

PossiblyShared class

template <typename T> PossiblyShared

A structure that holds either a shared or unique value of type T.
Template param T The type of the held value.

PossiblyShared<T> function (PossiblyShared::PossiblyShared<T>)

PossiblyShared(const T &copy) : value(copy)

Constructs a PossiblyShared object with a copy of the given value.
Param copy The value to copy.

PossiblyShared(std::remove_const_t<T> &&copy)
    : value(std::move(copy))

Constructs a PossiblyShared object with a moved value.
Param copy The value to move.

PossiblyShared(T *ptr) : shared(ptr)

Constructs a PossiblyShared object with a shared pointer to the value.
Param ptr A pointer to the shared value.

operator* function (PossiblyShared::operator*)

T &operator*() const

Dereferences the PossiblyShared object.
Returns A reference to the held value.

operator-> function (PossiblyShared::operator->)

T *operator->() const

Accesses members of the held value.
Returns A pointer to the held value.

isShared function (PossiblyShared::isShared)

bool isShared() const

Checks if the PossiblyShared object holds a shared value.
Returns True if the value is shared, otherwise false.

value variable (PossiblyShared::value)

mutable optional<std::remove_const_t<T>> value

Optionally holds the unique value if it is not shared.

shared variable (PossiblyShared::shared)

T *shared = nullptr

Pointer to the shared value, if applicable.

InstanceCache class

template <typename T> InstanceCache

A cache that stores an instance of a value and can be copied or moved.
Template param T The type of the cached value.

InstanceCache<T> function (InstanceCache::InstanceCache<T>)

template <typename... Args>
InstanceCache(Args &&...args) noexcept(
    std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<T, Args...>)
    : value

Constructs an InstanceCache object with the given arguments.
Template param Args The types of the arguments used to construct the value.
Param args The arguments used to construct the value.

InstanceCache(const InstanceCache &other) noexcept(
    : value

Copy constructor. Initializes the value with default construction instead of copying.

InstanceCache(InstanceCache &&other) noexcept(
    : value

Move constructor. Initializes the value with default construction instead of moving.

operator= function (InstanceCache::operator=)

InstanceCache &operator=(const InstanceCache &other)

Copy assignment operator. Does nothing and returns *this.

InstanceCache &operator=(InstanceCache &&other)

Move assignment operator. Does nothing and returns *this.

~InstanceCache<T> function (InstanceCache::~InstanceCache<T>)

~InstanceCache() = default


value variable (InstanceCache::value)

T value

The cached value.

SimpleCache class

template <typename CachedValue, equality_comparable Key,
          typename Class,
          CachedValue (Class::*Func)(const Key &)>

A simple cache that stores a value based on a key and a member function of a class.
Template param CachedValue The type of the cached value.
Template param Key The type of the key.
Template param Class The class type containing the member function.
Template param Func The member function that returns the cached value.

self variable (SimpleCache::self)

Class *self

Pointer to the instance of the class that holds the member function.

key function (SimpleCache::key)

const Key &key() const

Returns the key associated with the cached value.
Returns The key associated with the cached value.

get function (SimpleCache::get)

const CachedValue &get() const

Returns the cached value.
Returns The cached value.

update function (SimpleCache::update)

bool update(const Key &key)

Updates the cache if the key has changed by invoking the member function.
Param key The key to check and update.
Returns True if the cache was updated, otherwise false.

m_cache variable (SimpleCache::m_cache)

std::optional<std::pair<Key, CachedValue>> m_cache

Optionally holds the cached key-value pair.

CacheWithInvalidation class

template <typename CachedValue, equality_comparable Key,
          typename Class,
          CachedValue (Class::*Func)(const Key &)>

A cache that stores a value based on a key and invalidates it when the key changes.
Template param CachedValue The type of the cached value.
Template param Key The type of the key.
Template param Class The class type containing the member function.
Template param Func The member function that returns the cached value.

self variable (CacheWithInvalidation::self)

Class *self

Pointer to the instance of the class that holds the member function.

m_key variable (CacheWithInvalidation::m_key)

Key m_key

The key associated with the cached value.

m_value variable (CacheWithInvalidation::m_value)

mutable std::optional<CachedValue> m_value

Optionally holds the cached value.

operator-> function (CacheWithInvalidation::operator->)

const CachedValue *operator->() const

Returns a pointer to the cached value, updating it if necessary.
Returns A pointer to the cached value.

key function (CacheWithInvalidation::key)

const Key &key() const

Returns the key associated with the cached value.
Returns The key associated with the cached value.

value function (CacheWithInvalidation::value)

const CachedValue &value() const

Returns the cached value, updating it if necessary.
Returns The cached value.

update function (CacheWithInvalidation::update)

void update() const

Updates the cached value if it is not already set.

invalidate function (CacheWithInvalidation::invalidate)

bool invalidate(const Key &key, bool force = false)

Invalidates the cached value if the key has changed.
Param key The new key to check.
Returns True if the cache was invalidated, otherwise false.

ImplicitContextScope class

template <typename T, typename Tag = T> ImplicitContextScope

ImplicitContextStorage class (Internal::ImplicitContextStorage)

template <typename T, typename Tag, bool thread>

template <typename T, typename Tag> ImplicitContextStorage

template <typename T, typename Tag> ImplicitContextStorage

ImplicitContext class

template <typename T, typename Tag = T, bool thread = true>

template <typename T, typename Tag, bool thread>

ImplicitContextScope class

template <typename T, typename Tag> ImplicitContextScope

ScopedValue class

template <typename T> ScopedValue

A RAII-style helper class for temporarily changing a value and restoring it upon scope exit.

The ScopedValue template class allows temporarily modifying a value within a given scope. When the object of ScopedValue goes out of scope, it automatically restores the original value.
Template param T The type of the value being managed.

ScopedValue<T> function (ScopedValue::ScopedValue<T>)

ScopedValue(T &target, T newValue)
    : target(target), saved(std::move(target))

Constructs a ScopedValue object that changes the target value to newValue and saves the original value.
Param target The reference to the value that will be modified.
Param newValue The new value to set for target.

~ScopedValue<T> function (ScopedValue::~ScopedValue<T>)


Restores the original value when the ScopedValue object goes out of scope.

target variable (ScopedValue::target)

T &target

The reference to the value being modified.

saved variable (ScopedValue::saved)

T saved

The original value saved for restoration.

<deduction guide for ScopedValue> function

template <typename T> ScopedValue(T &, T)->ScopedValue<T>

Type deduction guide for ScopedValue.
Template param T The type of the value being managed.

ScopeExit class

template <typename Fn> ScopeExit

A RAII-style helper class for executing a callable object upon scope exit.

The ScopeExit template class allows the user to specify a function or lambda that will be executed when the ScopeExit object goes out of scope.
Template param Fn The type of the callable object to be executed.

ScopeExit<Fn> function (ScopeExit::ScopeExit<Fn>)

template <typename Fn_>
ScopeExit(Fn_ &&fn) : fn(std::forward<Fn_>(fn))

Constructs a ScopeExit object with a callable function or lambda.
Template param Fn_ The type of the callable object.
Param fn The callable object to be executed upon scope exit.

~ScopeExit<Fn> function (ScopeExit::~ScopeExit<Fn>)


Executes the callable object when the ScopeExit object goes out of scope.

fn variable (ScopeExit::fn)

Fn fn

The callable object to be executed upon scope exit.

KeyValue typedef

template <typename Key, typename Value>
KeyValue = std::pair<Key, Value>

A type alias for a key-value pair.

This alias represents a standard pair containing a key of type Key and a value of type Value.
Template param Key The type of the key.
Template param Value The type of the value.

KeyValue = std::pair<Key, Value>

A type alias for a key-value pair.

This alias represents a standard pair containing a key of type Key and a value of type Value.
Template param Key The type of the key.
Template param Value The type of the value.

findValue function

template <typename V, typename T>
inline optional<size_t>
findValue(const std::vector<V> &list, const T &value)

Finds the index of a specified value in a list.

Searches for the given value in a vector of type V. Returns the index of the value if found, otherwise returns nullopt.
Template param V The type of the values in the list.
Template param T The type of the value to find.
Param list The list to search through.
Param value The value to find.
Returns optional<size_t> The index of the found value, or nullopt if not found.

template <typename K, typename V>
inline optional<size_t>
findValue(const KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
          const V &value)

Finds the index of a specified value in a key-value ordered list.

Searches for the given value in a KeyValueOrderedList. Returns the index of the value if found, otherwise returns nullopt.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list to search through.
Param value The value to find.
Returns optional<size_t> The index of the found value, or nullopt if not found.

findKey function

template <typename K, typename V>
inline optional<size_t>
findKey(const KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
        const K &name)

Finds the index of a specified key in a key-value ordered list.

Searches for the given key in a KeyValueOrderedList. Returns the index of the key if found, otherwise returns nullopt.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list to search through.
Param name The key to find.
Returns optional<size_t> The index of the found key, or nullopt if not found.

findKeyIt function

template <typename K, typename V>
inline auto findKeyIt(const KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
                      const K &name)

Finds an iterator to a specified key in a key-value ordered list.

Searches for the given key in a KeyValueOrderedList and returns an iterator to the found element.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list to search through.
Param name The key to find.
Returns Iterator to the found key or list.end() if not found.

valueToKey function

template <typename K, typename V>
inline optional<K>
valueToKey(const KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
           const V &value)

Converts a value to its corresponding key in a key-value ordered list.

Searches for the given value and returns the associated key if found, otherwise returns nullopt.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list to search through.
Param value The value to find.
Returns optional<K> The associated key, or nullopt if not found.

keyToValue function

template <typename K, typename V>
inline optional<V>
keyToValue(const KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
           const K &name)

Converts a key to its corresponding value in a key-value ordered list.

Searches for the given key and returns the associated value if found, otherwise returns nullopt.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list to search through.
Param name The key to find.
Returns optional<V> The associated value, or nullopt if not found.

setValueByKey function

template <typename K, typename V>
inline void setValueByKey(KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
                          const K &key, V value)

Sets a value by its corresponding key in a key-value ordered list.

Updates the value associated with the given key if it exists, otherwise adds a new key-value pair to the list.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list to update.
Param key The key for which to set the value.
Param value The value to set.

removeValueByKey function

template <typename K, typename V>
inline void
removeValueByKey(KeyValueOrderedList<K, V> &list,
                 const K &key)

Removes a value by its corresponding key in a key-value ordered list.

Searches for the specified key and removes the associated key-value pair if found.
Template param K The type of the keys.
Template param V The type of the values.
Param list The list from which to remove the key-value pair.
Param key The key to remove.

keyToValue function

template <typename V, typename K>
inline optional<V> keyToValue(const std::vector<V> &list,
                              const K &fieldValue)

Finds a value in a vector by a specified field.

Searches for the given name in a vector of objects of type V by accessing the specified field.
Template param V The type of the objects in the list.
Template param K The type of the field used for searching.
Param list The list to search through.
Param field Pointer to the field to compare.
Param fieldValue The value to find.
Returns optional<V> The found value, or nullopt if not found.

findKey function

template <typename V, typename K>
inline optional<size_t> findKey(const std::vector<V> &list,
                                const K &fieldValue)

Finds the index of a value in a vector by a specified field.

Searches for the given value in a vector of objects of type V by accessing the specified field.
Template param V The type of the objects in the list.
Template param K The type of the field used for searching.
Param list The list to search through.
Param field Pointer to the field to compare.
Param fieldValue The value to find.
Returns optional<size_t> The index of the found key, or nullopt if not found.

staticMap function

template <typename Tout, typename Tin, typename... Args>
constexpr Tout staticMap(Tin value, Tout fallback) noexcept

A compile-time function for mapping values.

Always returns the fallback value.
Template param Tout The type of the fallback value.
Template param Tin The type of the input value.
Template param Args Additional argument types (unused).
Param value The value to compare.
Param fallback The fallback value to return.
Returns Tout The fallback value.

template <typename Tout, typename Tin, typename... Args>
constexpr Tout staticMap(Tin value,
                         std::type_identity_t<Tin> in,
                         Tout out, Args... args) noexcept

A compile-time function for mapping values.

Compares the input value with the specified type and returns the corresponding output if found.
Template param Tout The type of the output value.
Template param Tin The type of the input value.
Template param Args Additional argument types for comparison.
Param value The value to compare.
Param in The input type to match.
Param out The output value to return if a match is found.
Param args Additional arguments for further comparisons.
Returns Tout The corresponding output value.

ClonablePtr class

template <typename T> ClonablePtr

AutoSingleton class

template <typename T> AutoSingleton

A utility structure to provide automatic singleton management.

This struct manages the creation of a singleton instance of type T using std::unique_ptr. The instance is lazily created upon the first access.
Template param T The type of the singleton instance to manage.

operator-> function (AutoSingleton::operator->)

T *operator->()

Provides access to the singleton instance of type T.

This operator ensures the creation of the singleton instance (if not already created) and returns a pointer to it.
Returns T* Pointer to the singleton instance of type T.

operator type-parameter-0-0 * function (AutoSingleton::operator type-parameter-0-0 *)

operator T *() noexcept

Implicit conversion to pointer of type T.

This conversion operator allows the AutoSingleton object to be used as a pointer to the singleton instance of type T. This simplifies the access to the singleton object without needing to call the operator-\>() explicitly.
Returns T* Pointer to the singleton instance of type T.

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