File include/brisk/core/internal/Constants.hpp
template <typename T, T N>
constant = std::integral_constant<T, N>
A template alias for std::integral_constant.
This alias allows defining compile-time constants of any type.
Template param T
The type of the constant.
Template param N
The value of the constant.
constant = std::integral_constant<T, N>
A template alias for std::integral_constant.
This alias allows defining compile-time constants of any type.
Template param T
The type of the constant.
Template param N
The value of the constant.
template <typename T, T... N>
constants = std::integer_sequence<T, N...>
A template alias for std::integer_sequence.
This alias allows the creation of sequences of compile-time integers.
Template param T
The type of the sequence elements.
Template param N
The values of the sequence elements.
constants = std::integer_sequence<T, N...>
A template alias for std::integer_sequence.
This alias allows the creation of sequences of compile-time integers.
Template param T
The type of the sequence elements.
Template param N
The values of the sequence elements.
template <typename T, size_t N>
sequence = std::make_integer_sequence<T, N>
A template alias for creating an integer sequence.
This alias uses std::make_integer_sequence to create a sequence of integers.
Template param T
The type of the sequence elements.
Template param N
The number of elements in the sequence.
sequence = std::make_integer_sequence<T, N>
A template alias for creating an integer sequence.
This alias uses std::make_integer_sequence to create a sequence of integers.
Template param T
The type of the sequence elements.
Template param N
The number of elements in the sequence.
template <typename T, T... x, T y>
constexpr auto operator+(constants<T, x...>,
constant<T, y>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x + y)...>
Adds a constant to a sequence of constants.
This operator overload allows the addition of a constant to a sequence of constants.
Param lhs
A sequence of constants.
Param rhs
A constant to add.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the addition.
template <typename T, T... x, T y>
constexpr auto operator-(constants<T, x...>,
constant<T, y>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x - y)...>
Subtracts a constant from a sequence of constants.
This operator overload allows the subtraction of a constant from a sequence of constants.
Param lhs
A sequence of constants.
Param rhs
A constant to subtract.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the subtraction.
template <typename T, T... x, T y>
constexpr auto operator^(constants<T, x...>,
constant<T, y>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x ^ y)...>
Bitwise XORs a constant with a sequence of constants.
This operator overload allows bitwise XOR of a constant with a sequence of constants.
Param lhs
A sequence of constants.
Param rhs
A constant to XOR.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the bitwise XOR.
template <typename T, T... x, T y>
constexpr auto operator%(constants<T, x...>,
constant<T, y>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x % y)...>
Computes the modulus of a sequence of constants by a constant.
This operator overload allows computing the modulus of a sequence of constants by a constant.
Param lhs
A sequence of constants.
Param rhs
A constant to compute the modulus with.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the modulus operation.
template <typename T, T x, T... y>
constexpr auto operator+(constant<T, x>,
constants<T, y...>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x + y)...>
Adds a constant to a sequence of constants (reverse order).
This operator overload allows the addition of a constant to a sequence of constants
with the constant on the left-hand side.
Param lhs
A constant to add.
Param rhs
A sequence of constants.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the addition.
template <typename T, T x, T... y>
constexpr auto operator-(constant<T, x>,
constants<T, y...>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x - y)...>
Subtracts a sequence of constants from a constant (reverse order).
This operator overload allows the subtraction of a sequence of constants from a constant
with the constant on the left-hand side.
Param lhs
A constant to subtract from.
Param rhs
A sequence of constants.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the subtraction.
template <typename T, T x, T... y>
constexpr auto operator^(constant<T, x>,
constants<T, y...>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x ^ y)...>
Bitwise XORs a sequence of constants with a constant (reverse order).
This operator overload allows bitwise XOR of a sequence of constants with a constant
with the constant on the left-hand side.
Param lhs
A constant to XOR with.
Param rhs
A sequence of constants.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the bitwise XOR.
template <typename T, T x, T... y>
constexpr auto operator%(constant<T, x>,
constants<T, y...>) noexcept
-> constants<T, (x % y)...>
Computes the modulus of a constant by a sequence of constants (reverse order).
This operator overload allows computing the modulus of a constant by a sequence of constants
with the constant on the left-hand side.
Param lhs
A constant to compute the modulus of.
Param rhs
A sequence of constants.
Returns A new sequence of constants resulting from the modulus operation.
function (Internal::findIntegralType
template <std::integral auto Min, std::integral auto Max>
constexpr auto findIntegralType()
Finds the appropriate integral type based on the given range.
This helper function determines the smallest integral type that can
represent the range [Min, Max].
Template param Min
The minimum value of the range.
Template param Max
The maximum value of the range.
Returns The integral type that can represent the specified range.
template <auto Min, auto Max>
findIntegralType =
decltype(Internal::findIntegralType<Min, Max>())
Finds the integral type that can represent the given range.
This alias evaluates to the integral type that can safely represent the values
in the range [Min, Max].
Template param Min
The minimum value of the range.
Template param Max
The maximum value of the range.
findIntegralType =
decltype(Internal::findIntegralType<Min, Max>())
Finds the integral type that can represent the given range.
This alias evaluates to the integral type that can safely represent the values
in the range [Min, Max].
Template param Min
The minimum value of the range.
Template param Max
The maximum value of the range.
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