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File include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp

FloatTypeFor class (Internal::FloatTypeFor)

template <typename T> FloatTypeFor


PointOf class

template <typename T> PointOf

A template struct representing a point in 2D Cartesian coordinates.

The struct holds the x and y coordinates of a point. It provides various constructors, operator overloads, and utility functions for manipulating points in a Cartesian coordinate system.
Template param T The type of the coordinates, typically a numeric type such as float or double.

SizeOf class

template <typename T> SizeOf

A structure representing a 2D size with width and height.

This structure allows operations on sizes, such as addition, subtraction, and comparison. It can also represent the size as a union of its components for easy access.
Template param T The type of the components (e.g., float, int).

EdgesOf class

template <typename T> EdgesOf

A structure representing the edges of a rectangle or bounding box in 2D space.

This structure defines the edges using four coordinates: (x1, y1) for one corner and (x2, y2) for the opposite corner. It provides methods for constructing, accessing, and manipulating these edges.
Template param T The type of the edge coordinates (e.g., int, float).

CornersOf class

template <typename T> CornersOf

A structure representing the corners of a rectangle or bounding box in 2D space.

This structure defines four corner points of a rectangle using two-dimensional coordinates: (x1y1) for the top-left corner, (x2y1) for the top-right corner, (x1y2) for the bottom-left corner, and (x2y2) for the bottom-right corner. It provides methods for constructing, accessing, and manipulating these corners.
Template param T The type of the corner coordinates (e.g., int, float).

RectangleOf class

template <typename T> RectangleOf

A template structure representing a rectangle in a 2D space.

This structure provides methods for manipulating and querying a rectangle's properties defined by two corner points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where (x1, y1) is the top-left corner and (x2, y2) is the bottom-right corner.
Template param T The data type for the coordinates.

PolarOf class

template <typename T> PolarOf

A template struct representing a point in polar coordinates.

This struct holds the radius and angle of a point in a polar coordinate system. The radius represents the distance from the origin, while the angle represents the direction of the point in radians.
Template param T The type of the radius and angle, typically a numeric type such as float or double.

radius variable (PolarOf::radius)

T radius

The radius of the polar coordinate.

This value represents the distance from the origin (0, 0).

angle variable (PolarOf::angle)

T angle

The angle of the polar coordinate.

This value represents the angle in radians.

operator== function (PolarOf::operator==)

constexpr bool
operator==(const PolarOf &c) const noexcept = default

Equality operator for comparing two PolarOf objects.

operator!= function (PolarOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool
operator!=(const PolarOf &c) const noexcept = default

Inequality operator for comparing two PolarOf objects.

PointOf class

template <typename T> PointOf

A template struct representing a point in 2D Cartesian coordinates.

The struct holds the x and y coordinates of a point. It provides various constructors, operator overloads, and utility functions for manipulating points in a Cartesian coordinate system.
Template param T The type of the coordinates, typically a numeric type such as float or double.

PointOf<T> function (PointOf::PointOf<T>)

constexpr PointOf() noexcept : x(), y()

Default constructor.

Initializes the coordinates to zero.

constexpr PointOf(T x, T y) noexcept : x(x), y(y)

Parameterized constructor.

Initializes the coordinates with the given values.
Param x The x-coordinate.
Param y The y-coordinate.

constexpr PointOf(const PointOf &p) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.

Initializes a new PointOf instance by copying the given point.
Param p The PointOf instance to copy.

operator== function (PointOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const PointOf &c) const noexcept

Equality operator.

Compares two PointOf instances for equality based on their coordinates.
Param c The PointOf instance to compare against.
Returns true if the points are equal, false otherwise.

operator!= function (PointOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool operator!=(const PointOf &c) const noexcept

Inequality operator.

Compares two PointOf instances for inequality.
Param c The PointOf instance to compare against.
Returns true if the points are not equal, false otherwise.

flipped function (PointOf::flipped)

constexpr PointOf flipped() const noexcept

Flips the point coordinates.

Swaps the x and y coordinates of the point.
Returns A new PointOf instance with flipped coordinates.

flippedIf function (PointOf::flippedIf)

constexpr PointOf flippedIf(bool flip) const noexcept

Conditionally flips the point coordinates.

If the flip parameter is true, the coordinates are flipped; otherwise, the original point is returned.
Param flip A boolean indicating whether to flip the coordinates.
Returns A new PointOf instance, either flipped or unchanged.

operator[] function (PointOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for point components.

Provides read access to the point's components via index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns The component at the specified index.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for point components.

Provides write access to the point's components via index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns A reference to the component at the specified index.

components variable (PointOf::components)

T components[2]

Array of components for indexed access.

(anonymous) class (PointOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:184:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 184 : 9)

x variable (PointOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:184:9)::x)

T x

The x-coordinate.

y variable (PointOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:184:9)::y)

T y

The y-coordinate.

Reflection variable (PointOf::Reflection)

constexpr static std::tuple Reflection

Reflection data for introspection.

This static member provides reflection information about the PointOf struct, including its fields and their corresponding names.

PointOf class

template <SIMDCompatible T> PointOf

A specialized template struct for SIMD-compatible points in 2D Cartesian coordinates.

This version of PointOf uses SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) types for efficient vectorized computations.
Template param T The SIMD type representing the point coordinates, must be SIMD compatible.

PointOf<type-parameter-0-0> function (PointOf::PointOf<type-parameter-0-0>)

constexpr PointOf() noexcept : v()

Default constructor.

Initializes the SIMD vector to zero.

constexpr explicit PointOf(const SIMD<T, 2> &v) noexcept
    : v(v)

Parameterized constructor from a SIMD vector.

Initializes the point with the given SIMD vector.
Param v The SIMD vector representing the point.

constexpr PointOf(T x, T y) noexcept : v(x, y)

Parameterized constructor from two coordinates.

Initializes the point with the specified x and y values.
Param x The x-coordinate.
Param y The y-coordinate.

constexpr PointOf(const SizeOf<T> &sz) noexcept : v(sz.v)

Constructor from a SizeOf object.

Initializes the point using the size vector from a SizeOf object.
Param sz The SizeOf object from which to initialize the point.

constexpr PointOf(const PointOf &p) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.

Initializes a new PointOf instance by copying the given point.
Param p The PointOf instance to copy.

operator PointOf<type-parameter-1-0> function (PointOf::operator PointOf<type-parameter-1-0>)

template <typename U> operator PointOf<U>() const noexcept

Conversion operator to a PointOf<U>.

Converts this PointOf instance to another type PointOf<U>.
Template param U The target type for conversion.
Returns A PointOf<U> instance.

operator== function (PointOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const PointOf &c) const noexcept

Equality operator.

Compares two PointOf instances for equality based on their SIMD vector.
Param c The PointOf instance to compare against.
Returns true if the points are equal, false otherwise.

operator!= function (PointOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool operator!=(const PointOf &c) const noexcept

Inequality operator.

Compares two PointOf instances for inequality.
Param c The PointOf instance to compare against.
Returns true if the points are not equal, false otherwise.

PointOf<type-parameter-0-0> function (PointOf::PointOf<type-parameter-0-0>)

constexpr PointOf(const PolarOf<T> &p) noexcept

Constructor from a PolarOf<T>.

Converts a polar coordinate to Cartesian coordinates.
Param p The PolarOf instance to convert.

operator PolarOf<type-parameter-0-0> function (PointOf::operator PolarOf<type-parameter-0-0>)

constexpr operator PolarOf<T>() noexcept

Conversion operator to PolarOf<T>.

Converts this Cartesian point to a polar coordinate representation.
Returns A PolarOf<T> instance representing the polar coordinates.

operator+= function (PointOf::operator+=)

constexpr PointOf &operator+=(const PointOf &p2) noexcept

Compound addition assignment operator.

Adds another PointOf instance to this one and returns the updated instance.
Param p2 The PointOf instance to add.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator-= function (PointOf::operator-=)

constexpr PointOf &operator-=(const PointOf &p2) noexcept

Compound subtraction assignment operator.

Subtracts another PointOf instance from this one and returns the updated instance.
Param p2 The PointOf instance to subtract.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator*= function (PointOf::operator*=)

constexpr PointOf &operator*=(const PointOf &p2) noexcept

Compound multiplication assignment operator.

Multiplies this PointOf instance by another and returns the updated instance.
Param p2 The PointOf instance to multiply by.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator/= function (PointOf::operator/=)

constexpr PointOf &operator/=(const PointOf &p2) noexcept

Compound division assignment operator.

Divides this PointOf instance by another and returns the updated instance.
Param p2 The PointOf instance to divide by.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator+= function (PointOf::operator+=)

constexpr PointOf &operator+=(T v2) noexcept

Compound addition assignment operator for scalar.

Adds a scalar value to this PointOf instance and returns the updated instance.
Param v2 The scalar value to add.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator-= function (PointOf::operator-=)

constexpr PointOf &operator-=(T v2) noexcept

Compound subtraction assignment operator for scalar.

Subtracts a scalar value from this PointOf instance and returns the updated instance.
Param v2 The scalar value to subtract.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator*= function (PointOf::operator*=)

constexpr PointOf &operator*=(T v2) noexcept

Compound multiplication assignment operator for scalar.

Multiplies this PointOf instance by a scalar value and returns the updated instance.
Param v2 The scalar value to multiply by.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

operator/= function (PointOf::operator/=)

constexpr PointOf &operator/=(T v2) noexcept

Compound division assignment operator for scalar.

Divides this PointOf instance by a scalar value and returns the updated instance.
Param v2 The scalar value to divide by.
Returns A reference to the updated PointOf instance.

flipped function (PointOf::flipped)

constexpr PointOf flipped() const noexcept

Flips the point coordinates.

Swaps the x and y coordinates of the point.
Returns A new PointOf instance with flipped coordinates.

flippedIf function (PointOf::flippedIf)

constexpr PointOf flippedIf(bool flip) const noexcept

Conditionally flips the point coordinates.

If the flip parameter is true, the coordinates are flipped; otherwise, the original point is returned.
Param flip A boolean indicating whether to flip the coordinates.
Returns A new PointOf instance, either flipped or unchanged.

distance function (PointOf::distance)

T distance(const PointOf &pt) const noexcept

Calculates the Euclidean distance to another point.

Computes the distance from this point to the specified point.
Param pt The PointOf instance to calculate the distance to.
Returns The Euclidean distance to the other point.

distanceManhattan function (PointOf::distanceManhattan)

T distanceManhattan(const PointOf &pt) const noexcept

Calculates the Manhattan distance to another point.

Computes the Manhattan distance from this point to the specified point.
Param pt The PointOf instance to calculate the distance to.
Returns The Manhattan distance to the other point.

operator[] function (PointOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for point components.

Provides read access to the point's components via index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns The component at the specified index.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for point components.

Provides write access to the point's components via index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns A reference to the component at the specified index.

alignedRect function (PointOf::alignedRect)

alignedRect(const SizeOf<T> &innerSize,
            const PointOf<Tfloat> &alignment) const noexcept

Creates an aligned rectangle around the point.

Generates a rectangle centered around the point with specified dimensions and alignment.
Param innerSize The size of the rectangle.
Param alignment The alignment of the rectangle.
Returns A RectangleOf instance representing the aligned rectangle.

RectangleOf<T> alignedRect(T width, T height, Tfloat alignX,
                           Tfloat alignY) const noexcept

Creates an aligned rectangle around the point with specified dimensions.

Generates a rectangle centered around the point with specified width, height, and alignment.
Param width The width of the rectangle.
Param height The height of the rectangle.
Param alignX The alignment factor in the X direction.
Param alignY The alignment factor in the Y direction.
Returns A RectangleOf instance representing the aligned rectangle.

round function (PointOf::round)

constexpr PointOf round() const noexcept

Rounds the point components.

Applies rounding to the x and y components of the point.
Returns A new PointOf instance with rounded components.

floor function (PointOf::floor)

constexpr PointOf floor() const noexcept

Applies floor to the point components.

Computes the largest integer values less than or equal to the x and y components of the point.
Returns A new PointOf instance with floored components.

ceil function (PointOf::ceil)

constexpr PointOf ceil() const noexcept

Applies ceil to the point components.

Computes the smallest integer values greater than or equal to the x and y components of the point.
Returns A new PointOf instance with ceiled components.

trunc function (PointOf::trunc)

constexpr PointOf trunc() const noexcept

Applies truncation to the point components.

Computes the integer part of the x and y components of the point.
Returns A new PointOf instance with truncated components.

vec_type typedef (PointOf::vec_type)

vec_type = SIMD<T, 2>

Type representing the SIMD vector type.

v variable (PointOf::v)

vec_type v

SIMD vector representation of the point.

components variable (PointOf::components)

T components[2]

Array of components for direct access.

(anonymous) class (PointOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:696:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 696 : 9)

x variable (PointOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:696:9)::x)

T x

X component of the point.

y variable (PointOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:696:9)::y)

T y

Y component of the point.

Reflection variable (PointOf::Reflection)

constexpr static std::tuple Reflection

Reflection metadata for the PointOf struct.

min function

template <typename T>
PointOf<T> min(const PointOf<T> &a,
               const PointOf<T> &b) noexcept

Computes the minimum point from two PointOf instances.
Template param T The type of the point components.
Param a The first PointOf instance.
Param b The second PointOf instance.
Returns A new PointOf instance representing the minimum point.

max function

template <typename T>
PointOf<T> max(const PointOf<T> &a,
               const PointOf<T> &b) noexcept

Computes the maximum point from two PointOf instances.
Template param T The type of the point components.
Param a The first PointOf instance.
Param b The second PointOf instance.
Returns A new PointOf instance representing the maximum point.

SizeOf class

template <typename T> SizeOf

A structure representing a 2D size with width and height.

This structure allows operations on sizes, such as addition, subtraction, and comparison. It can also represent the size as a union of its components for easy access.
Template param T The type of the components (e.g., float, int).

SizeOf<T> function (SizeOf::SizeOf<T>)

constexpr SizeOf() noexcept : x

Default constructor that initializes size to (0, 0).

constexpr SizeOf(T x, T y) noexcept : x(x), y(y)

Constructor that initializes size with specific values.
Param x The width component.
Param y The height component.

constexpr SizeOf(T xy) noexcept : x(xy), y(xy)

Constructor that initializes width and height to the same value.
Param xy The value for both width and height.

template <std::convertible_to<T> U>
constexpr SizeOf(U v) : SizeOf(static_cast<T>(v))

Constructor that converts from a type convertible to T.
Template param U The type to convert from.
Param v The value to convert and initialize.

constexpr SizeOf(const SizeOf &s) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.
Param s The SizeOf instance to copy from.

operator[] function (SizeOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for retrieving component by index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns The component value at index i.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for modifying component by index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns A reference to the component value at index i.

flipped function (SizeOf::flipped)

constexpr SizeOf flipped() const noexcept

Returns a new SizeOf instance with x and y flipped.
Returns A SizeOf instance with flipped dimensions.

flippedIf function (SizeOf::flippedIf)

constexpr SizeOf flippedIf(bool flip) const noexcept

Conditionally flips the dimensions based on the provided flag.
Param flip If true, dimensions are flipped; otherwise, unchanged.
Returns A SizeOf instance that is either flipped or unchanged.

operator== function (SizeOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const SizeOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two SizeOf instances are equal.
Param c The SizeOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are equal; otherwise false.

operator!= function (SizeOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool operator!=(const SizeOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two SizeOf instances are not equal.
Param c The SizeOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are not equal; otherwise false.

components variable (SizeOf::components)

T components[2]

An array to access the components directly.

(anonymous) class (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:816:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 816 : 9)

Struct for accessing components as x and y.

x variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:816:9)::x)

T x

The width component.

y variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:816:9)::y)

T y

The height component.

(anonymous) class (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:822:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 822 : 9)

Struct for accessing components as width and height.

width variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:822:9)::width)

T width

The width component.

height variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:822:9)::height)

T height

The height component.

SizeOf class

template <SIMDCompatible T> SizeOf

A specialized SizeOf structure for SIMD-compatible types.

This specialization leverages SIMD operations for better performance on two-dimensional sizes. It allows for various arithmetic and utility operations using SIMD vectors.
Template param T The SIMD-compatible type of the components.

SizeOf<type-parameter-0-0> function (SizeOf::SizeOf<type-parameter-0-0>)

constexpr SizeOf() noexcept : x

Default constructor that initializes size to (0, 0).

constexpr SizeOf(T x, T y) noexcept : x(x), y(y)

Constructor that initializes size with specific values.
Param x The width component.
Param y The height component.

constexpr explicit SizeOf(T xy) noexcept : x(xy), y(xy)

Constructor that initializes width and height to the same value.
Param xy The value for both width and height.

SizeOf(const SIMD<T, 2> &v) noexcept : v(v)

Constructor that initializes from a SIMD vector.
Param v The SIMD vector to initialize from.

constexpr SizeOf(const SizeOf &s) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.
Param s The SizeOf instance to copy from.

operator SizeOf<type-parameter-1-0> function (SizeOf::operator SizeOf<type-parameter-1-0>)

template <typename U> operator SizeOf<U>() const noexcept

Conversion operator to a different SizeOf type.
Template param U The type to convert to.
Returns A new SizeOf instance of type U.

empty function (SizeOf::empty)

constexpr bool empty() const noexcept

Checks if the size is empty (both components <= 0).
Returns True if the size is empty; otherwise false.

shortestSide function (SizeOf::shortestSide)

constexpr T shortestSide() const noexcept

Gets the length of the shortest side.
Returns The value of the shortest side.

longestSide function (SizeOf::longestSide)

constexpr T longestSide() const noexcept

Gets the length of the longest side.
Returns The value of the longest side.

round function (SizeOf::round)

constexpr SizeOf round() const noexcept

Rounds the dimensions to the nearest integer.
Returns A SizeOf instance with rounded dimensions.

floor function (SizeOf::floor)

constexpr SizeOf floor() const noexcept

Floors the dimensions to the nearest lower integer.
Returns A SizeOf instance with floored dimensions.

ceil function (SizeOf::ceil)

constexpr SizeOf ceil() const noexcept

Ceils the dimensions to the nearest higher integer.
Returns A SizeOf instance with ceiled dimensions.

trunc function (SizeOf::trunc)

constexpr SizeOf trunc() const noexcept

Truncates the dimensions towards zero.
Returns A SizeOf instance with truncated dimensions.

flipped function (SizeOf::flipped)

constexpr SizeOf flipped() const noexcept

Returns a new SizeOf instance with dimensions flipped.
Returns A SizeOf instance with flipped dimensions.

flippedIf function (SizeOf::flippedIf)

constexpr SizeOf flippedIf(bool flip) const noexcept

Conditionally flips dimensions based on a provided flag.
Param flip If true, dimensions are flipped; otherwise, unchanged.
Returns A SizeOf instance that is either flipped or unchanged.

area function (SizeOf::area)

constexpr T area() const noexcept

Calculates the area of the size.
Returns The area as the product of width and height.

operator[] function (SizeOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for retrieving component by index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns The component value at index i.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for modifying component by index.
Param i The index of the component (0 for x, 1 for y).
Returns A reference to the component value at index i.

operator== function (SizeOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const SizeOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two SizeOf instances are equal.
Param c The SizeOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are equal; otherwise false.

operator!= function (SizeOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool operator!=(const SizeOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two SizeOf instances are not equal.
Param c The SizeOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are not equal; otherwise false.

v variable (SizeOf::v)

vec_type v

The SIMD vector representing size.

components variable (SizeOf::components)

T components[2]

An array to access the components directly.

(anonymous) class (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1047:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 1047 : 9)

x variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1047:9)::x)

T x

The width component.

y variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1047:9)::y)

T y

The height component.

(anonymous) class (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1052:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 1052 : 9)

width variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1052:9)::width)

T width

The width component.

height variable (SizeOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1052:9)::height)

T height

The height component.

min function

template <typename T>
SizeOf<T> min(const SizeOf<T> &a,
              const SizeOf<T> &b) noexcept

Computes the element-wise minimum of two SizeOf instances.
Template param T The type of the components.
Param a The first SizeOf instance.
Param b The second SizeOf instance.
Returns A SizeOf instance representing the minimum size.

max function

template <typename T>
SizeOf<T> max(const SizeOf<T> &a,
              const SizeOf<T> &b) noexcept

Computes the element-wise maximum of two SizeOf instances .
Template param T The type of the components.
Param a The first SizeOf instance.
Param b The second SizeOf instance.
Returns A SizeOf instance representing the maximum size.

EdgesOf class

template <typename T> EdgesOf

A structure representing the edges of a rectangle or bounding box in 2D space.

This structure defines the edges using four coordinates: (x1, y1) for one corner and (x2, y2) for the opposite corner. It provides methods for constructing, accessing, and manipulating these edges.
Template param T The type of the edge coordinates (e.g., int, float).

EdgesOf<T> function (EdgesOf::EdgesOf<T>)

constexpr EdgesOf() noexcept : x1

Default constructor that initializes edges to (0, 0, 0, 0).

constexpr EdgesOf(T value) noexcept
    : x1(value), y1(value), x2(value), y2(value)

Constructor that initializes all edges to a specific value.
Param value The value to initialize all edge coordinates.

template <std::convertible_to<T> U>
constexpr EdgesOf(U v) : EdgesOf(static_cast<T>(v))

Constructor that initializes edges from a convertible type.
Template param U The type to convert from.
Param v The value to convert and initialize edges.

constexpr EdgesOf(T h, T v) noexcept
    : x1(h), y1(v), x2(h), y2(v)

Constructor that initializes edges with specified horizontal and vertical values.
Param h The horizontal value for x1 and x2.
Param v The vertical value for y1 and y2.

constexpr EdgesOf(T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2) noexcept
    : x1(x1), y1(y1), x2(x2), y2(y2)

Constructor that initializes edges with four specified coordinates.
Param x1 The x-coordinate of the first edge.
Param y1 The y-coordinate of the first edge.
Param x2 The x-coordinate of the second edge.
Param y2 The y-coordinate of the second edge.

constexpr EdgesOf(const EdgesOf &b) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.
Param b The EdgesOf instance to copy from.

operator[] function (EdgesOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for retrieving edge coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1, 1 for y1, 2 for x2, 3 for y2).
Returns The coordinate value at index i.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for modifying edge coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1, 1 for y1, 2 for x2, 3 for y2).
Returns A reference to the coordinate value at index i.

operator== function (EdgesOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const EdgesOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two EdgesOf instances are equal.
Param c The EdgesOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are equal; otherwise false.

operator!= function (EdgesOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool operator!=(const EdgesOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two EdgesOf instances are not equal.
Param c The EdgesOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are not equal; otherwise false.

components variable (EdgesOf::components)

T components[4]

An array to access the edge coordinates directly.

(anonymous) class (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1162:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 1162 : 9)

x1 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1162:9)::x1)

T x1

The x-coordinate of the first edge.

y1 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1162:9)::y1)

T y1

The y-coordinate of the first edge.

x2 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1162:9)::x2)

T x2

The x-coordinate of the second edge.

y2 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1162:9)::y2)

T y2

The y-coordinate of the second edge.

EdgesOf class

template <SIMDCompatible T> EdgesOf

A specialized EdgesOf structure for SIMD-compatible types.

This specialization leverages SIMD operations for better performance when working with edges. It allows for various arithmetic and utility operations using SIMD vectors.
Template param T The SIMD-compatible type of the edge coordinates.

EdgesOf<type-parameter-0-0> function (EdgesOf::EdgesOf<type-parameter-0-0>)

constexpr EdgesOf() noexcept : v()

Default constructor that initializes edges to (0, 0, 0, 0).

constexpr explicit EdgesOf(T value) noexcept : v(value)

Constructor that initializes all edges to a specific value.
Param value The value to initialize all edge coordinates.

constexpr EdgesOf(T h, T v) noexcept : v(h, v, h, v)

Constructor that initializes edges with specified horizontal and vertical values.
Param h The horizontal value for x1 and x2.
Param v The vertical value for y1 and y2.

constexpr EdgesOf(T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2) noexcept
    : v(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Constructor that initializes edges with four specified coordinates.
Param x1 The x-coordinate of the first edge.
Param y1 The y-coordinate of the first edge.
Param x2 The x-coordinate of the second edge.
Param y2 The y-coordinate of the second edge.

constexpr explicit EdgesOf(const SIMD<T, 4> &v) noexcept
    : v(v)

Constructor that initializes from a SIMD vector.
Param v The SIMD vector to initialize edges from.

constexpr EdgesOf(const EdgesOf &b) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.
Param b The EdgesOf instance to copy from.

operator EdgesOf<type-parameter-1-0> function (EdgesOf::operator EdgesOf<type-parameter-1-0>)

template <typename U> operator EdgesOf<U>() const noexcept

Conversion operator to a different EdgesOf type.
Template param U The type to convert to.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance of type U.

round function (EdgesOf::round)

constexpr EdgesOf round() const noexcept

Rounds the edge coordinates to the nearest integer.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with rounded coordinates.

floor function (EdgesOf::floor)

constexpr EdgesOf floor() const noexcept

Floors the edge coordinates to the nearest lower integer.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with floored coordinates.

ceil function (EdgesOf::ceil)

constexpr EdgesOf ceil() const noexcept

Ceils the edge coordinates to the nearest higher integer.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with ceiled coordinates.

trunc function (EdgesOf::trunc)

constexpr EdgesOf trunc() const noexcept

Truncates the edge coordinates towards zero.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with truncated coordinates.

size function (EdgesOf::size)

SizeOf<T> size() const noexcept

Returns the size of the edges as a SizeOf instance.
Returns A SizeOf instance representing the total width and height.

operator* function (EdgesOf::operator*)

EdgesOf operator*(T value) const noexcept

Multiplies the edges by a scalar value.
Param value The scalar value to multiply.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with multiplied edges.

operator+ function (EdgesOf::operator+)

EdgesOf operator+(T value) const noexcept

Adds a scalar value to the edges.
Param value The scalar value to add.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with added edges.

operator- function (EdgesOf::operator-)

EdgesOf operator-(T value) const noexcept

Subtracts a scalar value from the edges.
Param value The scalar value to subtract.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance with subtracted edges.

horizontal function (EdgesOf::horizontal)

T horizontal() const noexcept

Gets the horizontal size of the edges.
Returns The width of the edges.

vertical function (EdgesOf::vertical)

T vertical() const noexcept

Gets the vertical size of the edges.
Returns The height of the edges.

empty function (EdgesOf::empty)

bool empty() const noexcept

Checks if the edges are empty.
Returns True if the sum of horizontal dimensions is zero; otherwise false.

min function (EdgesOf::min)

T min() const noexcept

Gets the minimum coordinate among the edges.
Returns The minimum edge coordinate.

max function (EdgesOf::max)

T max() const noexcept

Gets the maximum coordinate among the edges.
Returns The maximum edge coordinate.

leading function (EdgesOf::leading)

PointOf<T> leading() const noexcept

Returns the leading edge point.
Returns A PointOf instance representing the leading edge.

trailing function (EdgesOf::trailing)

PointOf<T> trailing() const noexcept

Returns the trailing edge point.
Returns A PointOf instance representing the trailing edge.

operator[] function (EdgesOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for retrieving edge coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1, 1 for y1, 2 for x2, 3 for y2).
Returns The coordinate value at index i.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for modifying edge coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1, 1 for y1, 2 for x2, 3 for y2).
Returns A reference to the coordinate value at index i.

operator== function (EdgesOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const EdgesOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two EdgesOf instances are equal.
Param c The EdgesOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are equal; otherwise false.

operator!= function (EdgesOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool operator!=(const EdgesOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two EdgesOf instances are not equal.
Param c The EdgesOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are not equal; otherwise false.

v variable (EdgesOf::v)

SIMD<T, 4> v

The SIMD vector representing the edges.

components variable (EdgesOf::components)

T components[4]

An array to access the edge coordinates directly.

(anonymous) class (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1367:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 1367 : 9)

x1 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1367:9)::x1)

T x1

The x-coordinate of the first edge.

y1 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1367:9)::y1)

T y1

The y-coordinate of the first edge.

x2 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1367:9)::x2)

T x2

The x-coordinate of the second edge.

y2 variable (EdgesOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1367:9)::y2)

T y2

The y-coordinate of the second edge.

min function

template <typename T>
EdgesOf<T> min(const EdgesOf<T> &a,
               const EdgesOf<T> &b) noexcept

Computes the element-wise minimum of two EdgesOf instances.
Template param T The type of the edge coordinates.
Param a The first EdgesOf instance.
Param b The second EdgesOf instance.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance representing the minimum edges.

max function

template <typename T>
EdgesOf<T> max(const EdgesOf<T> &a,
               const EdgesOf<T> &b) noexcept

Computes the element-wise maximum of two EdgesOf instances.
Template param T The type of the edge coordinates.
Param a The first EdgesOf instance.
Param b The second EdgesOf instance.
Returns A new EdgesOf instance representing the maximum edges.

CornersOf class

template <typename T> CornersOf

A structure representing the corners of a rectangle or bounding box in 2D space.

This structure defines four corner points of a rectangle using two-dimensional coordinates: (x1y1) for the top-left corner, (x2y1) for the top-right corner, (x1y2) for the bottom-left corner, and (x2y2) for the bottom-right corner. It provides methods for constructing, accessing, and manipulating these corners.
Template param T The type of the corner coordinates (e.g., int, float).

CornersOf<T> function (CornersOf::CornersOf<T>)

constexpr CornersOf() noexcept : x1y1

Default constructor that initializes corners to zero.

constexpr CornersOf(T value) noexcept
    : x1y1(value), x2y1(value), x1y2(value), x2y2(value)

Constructor that initializes all corners to a specific value.
Param value The value to initialize all corner coordinates.

template <std::convertible_to<T> U>
constexpr CornersOf(U v) : CornersOf(static_cast<T>(v))

Constructor that initializes corners from a convertible type.
Template param U The type to convert from.
Param v The value to convert and initialize corners.

constexpr CornersOf(T x1y1, T x2y1, T x1y2, T x2y2) noexcept
    : x1y1(x1y1), x2y1(x2y1), x1y2(x1y2), x2y2(x2y2)

Constructor that initializes corners with specified coordinates.
Param x1y1 The coordinate of the top-left corner.
Param x2y1 The coordinate of the top-right corner.
Param x1y2 The coordinate of the bottom-left corner.
Param x2y2 The coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

constexpr CornersOf(const CornersOf &b) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.
Param b The CornersOf instance to copy from.

operator[] function (CornersOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for retrieving corner coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1y1, 1 for x2y1, 2 for x1y2, 3 for x2y2).
Returns The coordinate value at index i.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for modifying corner coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1y1, 1 for x2y1, 2 for x1y2, 3 for x2y2).
Returns A reference to the coordinate value at index i.

operator== function (CornersOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const CornersOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two CornersOf instances are equal.
Param c The CornersOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are equal; otherwise false.

components variable (CornersOf::components)

T components[4]

An array to access the corner coordinates directly.

(anonymous) class (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1471:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 1471 : 9)

x1y1 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1471:9)::x1y1)

T x1y1

The coordinate of the bottom-left corner.

x2y1 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1471:9)::x2y1)

T x2y1

The coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

x1y2 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1471:9)::x1y2)

T x1y2

The coordinate of the top-left corner.

x2y2 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1471:9)::x2y2)

T x2y2

The coordinate of the top-right corner.

CornersOf class

template <SIMDCompatible T> CornersOf

A specialized CornersOf structure for SIMD-compatible types.

This specialization leverages SIMD operations for better performance when working with corners. It allows for various arithmetic and utility operations using SIMD vectors.
Template param T The SIMD-compatible type of the corner coordinates.

CornersOf<type-parameter-0-0> function (CornersOf::CornersOf<type-parameter-0-0>)

constexpr CornersOf() noexcept : v()

Default constructor that initializes corners to zero.

constexpr CornersOf(T value) noexcept : v(value)

Constructor that initializes all corners to a specific value.
Param value The value to initialize all corner coordinates.

template <std::convertible_to<T> U>
constexpr CornersOf(U v) : CornersOf(static_cast<T>(v))

Constructor that initializes corners from a convertible type.
Template param U The type to convert from.
Param v The value to convert and initialize corners.

constexpr CornersOf(T x1y1, T x2y1, T x1y2, T x2y2) noexcept
    : v(x1y1, x2y1, x1y2, x2y2)

Constructor that initializes corners with specified coordinates.
Param x1y1 The coordinate of the top-left corner.
Param x2y1 The coordinate of the top-right corner.
Param x1y2 The coordinate of the bottom-left corner.
Param x2y2 The coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

constexpr CornersOf(const CornersOf &b) noexcept = default

Copy constructor.
Param b The CornersOf instance to copy from.

operator CornersOf<type-parameter-1-0> function (CornersOf::operator CornersOf<type-parameter-1-0>)

template <typename U> operator CornersOf<U>() const noexcept

Conversion operator to a different CornersOf type.
Template param U The type to convert to.
Returns A new CornersOf instance of type U.

operator[] function (CornersOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Access operator for retrieving corner coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1y1, 1 for x2y1, 2 for x1y2, 3 for x2y2).
Returns The coordinate value at index i.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Access operator for modifying corner coordinate by index.
Param i The index of the coordinate (0 for x1y1, 1 for x2y1, 2 for x1y2, 3 for x2y2).
Returns A reference to the coordinate value at index i.

operator== function (CornersOf::operator==)

constexpr bool operator==(const CornersOf &c) const noexcept

Checks if two CornersOf instances are equal.
Param c The CornersOf instance to compare against.
Returns True if both instances are equal; otherwise false.

min function (CornersOf::min)

T min() const noexcept

Gets the minimum coordinate among the corners.
Returns The minimum corner coordinate.

max function (CornersOf::max)

T max() const noexcept

Gets the maximum coordinate among the corners.
Returns The maximum corner coordinate.

empty function (CornersOf::empty)

bool empty() const noexcept

Checks if the corners are empty.
Returns True if the sum of corner coordinates is zero; otherwise false.

v variable (CornersOf::v)

SIMD<T, 4> v

The SIMD vector representing the corners.

components variable (CornersOf::components)

T components[4]

An array to access the corner coordinates directly.

(anonymous) class (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1582:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 1582 : 9)

x1y1 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1582:9)::x1y1)

T x1y1

The coordinate of the bottom-left corner.

x2y1 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1582:9)::x2y1)

T x2y1

The coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

x1y2 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1582:9)::x1y2)

T x1y2

The coordinate of the top-left corner.

x2y2 variable (CornersOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:1582:9)::x2y2)

T x2y2

The coordinate of the top-right corner.

RectangleOf class

template <typename T> RectangleOf

A template structure representing a rectangle in a 2D space.

This structure provides methods for manipulating and querying a rectangle's properties defined by two corner points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where (x1, y1) is the top-left corner and (x2, y2) is the bottom-right corner.
Template param T The data type for the coordinates.

RectangleOf<T> function (RectangleOf::RectangleOf<T>)

constexpr RectangleOf(T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2) noexcept
    : v(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Constructs a rectangle using the given corner coordinates.
Param x1 The x-coordinate of the top-left corner.
Param y1 The y-coordinate of the top-left corner.
Param x2 The x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner.
Param y2 The y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

constexpr explicit RectangleOf(const SIMD<T, 4> &v) noexcept
    : v(v)

Constructs a rectangle from a SIMD vector.
Param v A SIMD vector representing the rectangle's corners.

constexpr RectangleOf(const RectangleOf &r) noexcept =

Copy constructor for the rectangle.
Param r The rectangle to copy from.

operator RectangleOf<type-parameter-1-0> function (RectangleOf::operator RectangleOf<type-parameter-1-0>)

template <typename U>
operator RectangleOf<U>() const noexcept

Converts this rectangle to a rectangle of a different type.
Template param U The type to convert to.
Returns A new rectangle of type U.

RectangleOf<T> function (RectangleOf::RectangleOf<T>)

constexpr RectangleOf(const PointOf<T> &point,
                      const SizeOf<T> &size) noexcept
    : v(concat(point.v, point.v + size.v))

Constructs a rectangle from a point and size.
Param point The starting point of the rectangle.
Param size The size of the rectangle.

constexpr RectangleOf(const PointOf<T> &point1,
                      const PointOf<T> &point2) noexcept
    : v(concat(point1.v, point2.v))

Constructs a rectangle from two corner points.
Param point1 The first corner point of the rectangle.
Param point2 The second corner point of the rectangle.

constexpr RectangleOf(
    const PointOf<T> &base, const SizeOf<T> &dim,
    const PointOf<Tfloat> &alignment) noexcept
    : RectangleOf(base.alignedRect(dim, alignment))

Constructs an aligned rectangle given a base point, size, and alignment.
Param base The base point of the rectangle.
Param dim The size of the rectangle.
Param alignment The alignment for the rectangle.

constexpr RectangleOf() noexcept : v()

Default constructor for the rectangle.

empty function (RectangleOf::empty)

constexpr bool empty() const noexcept

Checks if the rectangle is empty.
Returns True if the rectangle is empty, false otherwise.

size function (RectangleOf::size)

constexpr SizeOf<T> size() const noexcept

Gets the size of the rectangle.
Returns The size of the rectangle as a SizeOf<T> object.

area function (RectangleOf::area)

constexpr T area() const noexcept

Calculates the area of the rectangle.
Returns The area of the rectangle.

width function (RectangleOf::width)

constexpr T width() const noexcept

Calculates the width of the rectangle.
Returns The width of the rectangle.

height function (RectangleOf::height)

constexpr T height() const noexcept

Calculates the height of the rectangle.
Returns The height of the rectangle.

shortestSide function (RectangleOf::shortestSide)

constexpr T shortestSide() const noexcept

Gets the shortest side length of the rectangle.
Returns The length of the shortest side.

longestSide function (RectangleOf::longestSide)

constexpr T longestSide() const noexcept

Gets the longest side length of the rectangle.
Returns The length of the longest side.

orientation function (RectangleOf::orientation)

Orientation orientation() const noexcept

Determines the orientation of the rectangle.
Returns The orientation (Horizontal or Vertical).

slice function (RectangleOf::slice)

RectangleOf slice(Orientation orientation, Tfloat start,
                  Tfloat stop) const noexcept

Creates a slice of the rectangle based on the given orientation.
Param orientation The orientation of the slice.
Param start The normalized start coordinate.
Param stop The normalized stop coordinate.
Returns A new RectangleOf that represents the slice.

center function (RectangleOf::center)

PointOf<T> center() const noexcept

Gets the center point of the rectangle.
Returns The center point as a PointOf<T>.

toNormCoord function (RectangleOf::toNormCoord)

toNormCoord(const PointOf<T> &pt) const noexcept

Converts a point to normalized coordinates based on the rectangle.
Param pt The point to normalize.
Returns The normalized coordinates as a PointOf<Tfloat>.

toNormCoord(const PointOf<T> &pt,
            const PointOf<T> &ifoutside) const noexcept

Converts a point to normalized coordinates with a fallback point if outside.
Param pt The point to normalize.
Param ifoutside The fallback point if the original point is outside the rectangle.
Returns The normalized coordinates or the fallback point.

split function (RectangleOf::split)

RectangleOf split(const PointOf<Tfloat> &point1,
                  const SizeOf<Tfloat> &size) const noexcept

Splits the rectangle based on a point and size.
Param point1 The starting point of the split.
Param size The size of the split rectangle.
Returns A new RectangleOf representing the split area.

RectangleOf split(Tfloat x, Tfloat y, Tfloat w,
                  Tfloat h) const noexcept

Splits the rectangle based on individual coordinates.
Param x The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the split rectangle.
Param y The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the split rectangle.
Param w The width of the split rectangle.
Param h The height of the split rectangle.
Returns A new RectangleOf representing the split area.

at function (RectangleOf::at)

PointOf<T> at(const PointOf<Tfloat> &pt) const noexcept

Gets the point at a normalized coordinate within the rectangle.
Param pt The normalized coordinates.
Returns The point as a PointOf<T>.

PointOf<T> at(Tfloat x, Tfloat y) const noexcept

Gets the point at a normalized coordinate within the rectangle.
Param x The normalized x-coordinate.
Param y The normalized y-coordinate.
Returns The point as a PointOf<T>.

applyStart function (RectangleOf::applyStart)

void applyStart(const PointOf<T> &p) noexcept

Applies a new starting point to the rectangle.
Param p The new starting point.

void applyStart(T x, T y) noexcept

Applies a new starting point using individual coordinates.
Param x The x-coordinate of the new starting point.
Param y The y-coordinate of the new starting point.

applySize function (RectangleOf::applySize)

void applySize(const SizeOf<T> &s) noexcept

Applies a new size to the rectangle.
Param s The new size.

void applySize(T w, T h) noexcept

Applies a new size using individual dimensions.
Param w The new width.
Param h The new height.

applyWidth function (RectangleOf::applyWidth)

void applyWidth(T w) noexcept

Applies a new width to the rectangle, keeping the height unchanged.
Param w The new width.

applyHeight function (RectangleOf::applyHeight)

void applyHeight(T h) noexcept

Applies a new height to the rectangle, keeping the width unchanged.
Param h The new height.

applyOffset function (RectangleOf::applyOffset)

void applyOffset(T x, T y) noexcept

Applies an offset to the rectangle's position.
Param x The x offset.
Param y The y offset.

void applyOffset(const PointOf<T> &p) noexcept

Applies an offset using a point.
Param p The point to offset by.

applyScale function (RectangleOf::applyScale)

void applyScale(T x, T y) noexcept

Applies a scale factor to the rectangle.
Param x The x scale factor.
Param y The y scale factor.

applyMargin function (RectangleOf::applyMargin)

void applyMargin(T h, T v) noexcept

Applies a margin to the rectangle.
Param h The horizontal margin.
Param v The vertical margin.

applyPadding function (RectangleOf::applyPadding)

void applyPadding(T h, T v) noexcept

Applies padding to the rectangle.
Param h The horizontal padding.
Param v The vertical padding.

applyMargin function (RectangleOf::applyMargin)

void applyMargin(T m) noexcept

Applies a uniform margin to the rectangle.
Param m The margin value.

applyPadding function (RectangleOf::applyPadding)

void applyPadding(T p) noexcept

Applies a uniform padding to the rectangle.
Param p The padding value.

applyMargin function (RectangleOf::applyMargin)

void applyMargin(const EdgesOf<T> &m) noexcept

Applies a margin defined by edges to the rectangle.
Param m The margin edges.

applyPadding function (RectangleOf::applyPadding)

void applyPadding(const EdgesOf<T> &p) noexcept

Applies padding defined by edges to the rectangle.
Param p The padding edges.

void applyPadding(T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2) noexcept

Applies padding to the rectangle using individual dimensions.
Param x1 The left padding.
Param y1 The top padding.
Param x2 The right padding.
Param y2 The bottom padding.

alignedRect function (RectangleOf::alignedRect)

alignedRect(const SizeOf<T> &innerSize,
            const PointOf<Tfloat> &alignment) const noexcept

Creates an aligned rectangle with specified inner size and alignment.
Param innerSize The inner size of the rectangle.
Param alignment The alignment for the rectangle.
Returns A new aligned RectangleOf.

RectangleOf alignedRect(T width, T height, Tfloat alignX,
                        Tfloat alignY) const noexcept

Creates an aligned rectangle using width, height, and alignment factors.
Param width The width of the rectangle.
Param height The height of the rectangle.
Param alignX The horizontal alignment factor.
Param alignY The vertical alignment factor.
Returns A new aligned RectangleOf.

withStart function (RectangleOf::withStart)

constexpr RectangleOf
withStart(const PointOf<T> &p) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified starting point.
Param p The new starting point.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified starting point.

constexpr RectangleOf withStart(T x, T y) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified starting point using coordinates.
Param x The x-coordinate of the new starting point.
Param y The y-coordinate of the new starting point.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified starting point.

withSize function (RectangleOf::withSize)

constexpr RectangleOf
withSize(const SizeOf<T> &s) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified size.
Param s The new size.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified size.

constexpr RectangleOf withSize(T w, T h) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified size using dimensions.
Param w The new width.
Param h The new height.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified size.

withWidth function (RectangleOf::withWidth)

constexpr RectangleOf withWidth(T w) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified width.
Param w The new width.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified width.

withHeight function (RectangleOf::withHeight)

constexpr RectangleOf withHeight(T h) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified height.
Param h The new height.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified height.

withOffset function (RectangleOf::withOffset)

constexpr RectangleOf
withOffset(const PointOf<T> &p) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified offset.
Param p The point to offset by.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified offset.

constexpr RectangleOf withOffset(T x, T y) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with a specified offset using coordinates.
Param x The x offset.
Param y The y offset.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the specified offset.

withScale function (RectangleOf::withScale)

constexpr RectangleOf withScale(T x, T y) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied scaling factors.
Param x The x scaling factor.
Param y The y scaling factor.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied scaling factors.

withMargin function (RectangleOf::withMargin)

constexpr RectangleOf withMargin(T h, T v) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied margin.
Param h The horizontal margin.
Param v The vertical margin.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied margin.

withPadding function (RectangleOf::withPadding)

constexpr RectangleOf withPadding(T h, T v) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied padding.
Param h The horizontal padding.
Param v The vertical padding.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied padding.

constexpr RectangleOf withPadding(T x1, T y1, T x2,
                                  T y2) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied padding using dimensions.
Param x1 The left padding.
Param y1 The top padding.
Param x2 The right padding.
Param y2 The bottom padding.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied padding.

withMargin function (RectangleOf::withMargin)

constexpr RectangleOf withMargin(T m) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied margin.
Param m The margin value.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied margin.

withPadding function (RectangleOf::withPadding)

constexpr RectangleOf withPadding(T p) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied padding.
Param p The padding value.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied padding.

constexpr RectangleOf
withPadding(const EdgesOf<T> &p) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied padding defined by edges.
Param p The padding edges.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied padding.

withMargin function (RectangleOf::withMargin)

constexpr RectangleOf
withMargin(const EdgesOf<T> &m) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle with applied margin defined by edges.
Param m The margin edges.
Returns A new RectangleOf with the applied margin.

flipped function (RectangleOf::flipped)

constexpr RectangleOf flipped() const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle that is flipped horizontally.
Returns A new RectangleOf that is flipped.

flippedIf function (RectangleOf::flippedIf)

constexpr RectangleOf flippedIf(bool flip) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle that is conditionally flipped.
Param flip A flag indicating whether to flip the rectangle.
Returns A new RectangleOf that is flipped or the original.

round function (RectangleOf::round)

constexpr RectangleOf round() const noexcept

Rounds the rectangle's coordinates.
Returns A new RectangleOf with rounded coordinates.

floor function (RectangleOf::floor)

constexpr RectangleOf floor() const noexcept

Floors the rectangle's coordinates.
Returns A new RectangleOf with floored coordinates.

ceil function (RectangleOf::ceil)

constexpr RectangleOf ceil() const noexcept

Ceils the rectangle's coordinates.
Returns A new RectangleOf with ceiled coordinates.

trunc function (RectangleOf::trunc)

constexpr RectangleOf trunc() const noexcept

Truncates the rectangle's coordinates.
Returns A new RectangleOf with truncated coordinates.

contains function (RectangleOf::contains)

bool contains(const PointOf<T> &pt) const noexcept

Checks if a point is contained within the rectangle.
Param pt The point to check.
Returns True if the point is contained; otherwise, false.

operator<< function (RectangleOf::operator<<)

bool operator<<(const PointOf<T> &pt) const noexcept

Checks if a point is contained within the rectangle using the << operator.
Param pt The point to check.
Returns True if the point is contained; otherwise, false.

operator== function (RectangleOf::operator==)

constexpr bool
operator==(const RectangleOf &c) const noexcept

Compares two rectangles for equality.
Param c The rectangle to compare against.
Returns True if both rectangles are equal; otherwise, false.

operator!= function (RectangleOf::operator!=)

constexpr bool
operator!=(const RectangleOf &c) const noexcept

Compares two rectangles for inequality.
Param c The rectangle to compare against.
Returns True if the rectangles are not equal; otherwise, false.

union_ function (RectangleOf::union_)

constexpr RectangleOf
union_(const RectangleOf &c) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle that is the union of this rectangle and another.
Param c The other rectangle.
Returns A new RectangleOf that is the union of both rectangles.

intersection function (RectangleOf::intersection)

constexpr RectangleOf
intersection(const RectangleOf &c) const noexcept

Creates a new rectangle that is the intersection of this rectangle and another.
Param c The other rectangle.
Returns A new RectangleOf that is the intersection of both rectangles.

operator[] function (RectangleOf::operator[])

T operator[](size_t i) const noexcept

Accesses a specific component of the rectangle.
Param i The index of the component (0: x1, 1: y1, 2: x2, 3: y2).
Returns The component at the specified index.

T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept

Accesses a specific component of the rectangle.
Param i The index of the component (0: x1, 1: y1, 2: x2, 3: y2).
Returns A reference to the component at the specified index.

v variable (RectangleOf::v)

SIMD<T, 4> v

SIMD representation of the rectangle.

components variable (RectangleOf::components)

T components[4]

Array representation of the rectangle components.

(anonymous) class (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2339:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 2339 : 9)

x1 variable (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2339:9)::x1)

T x1

The x-coordinate of the top-left corner.

y1 variable (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2339:9)::y1)

T y1

The y-coordinate of the top-left corner.

x2 variable (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2339:9)::x2)

T x2

The x-coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

y2 variable (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2339:9)::y2)

T y2

The y-coordinate of the bottom-right corner.

(anonymous) class (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2346:9))

(anonymous struct at / src / include / brisk / graphics /
 Geometry.hpp : 2346 : 9)

p1 variable (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2346:9)::p1)

PointOf<T> p1

The top-left corner point.

p2 variable (RectangleOf::(anonymous struct at /src/include/brisk/graphics/Geometry.hpp:2346:9)::p2)

PointOf<T> p2

The bottom-right corner point.

Point typedef

Point = PointOf<int32_t>

Type alias for a point using 32-bit integers.

PointF typedef

PointF = PointOf<float>

Type alias for a point using single-precision floating-point numbers.

Size typedef

Size = SizeOf<int32_t>

Type alias for a size using 32-bit integers.

SizeF typedef

SizeF = SizeOf<float>

Type alias for a size using single-precision floating-point numbers.

Edges typedef

Edges = EdgesOf<int32_t>

Type alias for edges using 32-bit integers.

EdgesF typedef

EdgesF = EdgesOf<float>

Type alias for edges using single-precision floating-point numbers.

Corners typedef

Corners = CornersOf<int32_t>

Type alias for corners using 32-bit integers.

CornersF typedef

CornersF = CornersOf<float>

Type alias for corners using single-precision floating-point numbers.

Rectangle typedef

Rectangle = RectangleOf<int32_t>

Type alias for a rectangle using 32-bit integers.

RectangleF typedef

RectangleF = RectangleOf<float>

Type alias for a rectangle using single-precision floating-point numbers.

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