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File include/brisk/window/WindowApplication.hpp

Window class


WindowApplication class


separateRenderThread variable

extern bool separateRenderThread

Controls whether the application should render in a separate threads. Default true

WindowApplication class


run function (WindowApplication::run)

int run()

Runs the application event loop.

Creates PlatformWindow for each added Window instance and makes it visible if not hidden
Param idle Function to call on every cycle
Returns int Exit code if quit called, otherwise 0

int run(RC<Window> mainWindow)

Sets main window and runs the application event loop
Note (UNKNOWN ID: ('ref', 'WindowApplication::run()'))

quit function (WindowApplication::quit)

void quit(int exitCode = 0)

Quits the application and returns from run
Param exitCode Exit code to return from run

addWindow function (WindowApplication::addWindow)

void addWindow(RC<Window> window, bool makeVisible = true)

Adds window to the window application
Param window window to add

showModalWindow function (WindowApplication::showModalWindow)

template <std::derived_from<Window> TWindow>
RC<TWindow> showModalWindow(RC<TWindow> window)

Adds window to the window application and open it as a modal window
Param window window to be shown

hasWindow function (WindowApplication::hasWindow)

bool hasWindow(const RC<Window> &window)

Checks if the specific window is registered to the WindowApplication
Details Safe to call from main or UI thread
Param window

isActive function (WindowApplication::isActive)

bool isActive() const

Returns true if the main loop is active

windows function (WindowApplication::windows)

std::vector<RC<Window>> windows() const

Returns a copy of the windows list.
Details Safe to call from main or UI thread

hasQuit function (WindowApplication::hasQuit)

bool hasQuit() const

Returns true if quit has called

start function (WindowApplication::start)

void start()

Start the main loop
Details This function is internal. Use only if you know what you do

stop function (WindowApplication::stop)

void stop()

Stops the main loop
Details This function is internal. Use only if you know what you do

cycle function (WindowApplication::cycle)

void cycle(bool wait)

Run one cycle of the main loop
Param wait Wait for OS events
Details This function is internal. Use only if you know what you do

(unnamed) class (WindowApplication::(unnamed struct at /src/include/brisk/window/WindowApplication.hpp:177:5))

(unnamed struct at / src / include / brisk / window /
 WindowApplication.hpp : 177 : 5)
(unnamed struct at / src / include / brisk / window /
 WindowApplication.hpp : 177 : 5)

(unnamed) class (WindowApplication::(unnamed struct at /src/include/brisk/window/WindowApplication.hpp:181:5))

(unnamed struct at / src / include / brisk / window /
 WindowApplication.hpp : 181 : 5)
(unnamed struct at / src / include / brisk / window /
 WindowApplication.hpp : 181 : 5)

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