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Network module

FetchErrorCode enum

enum class FetchErrorCode

Enum representing different fetch error codes for HTTP requests.

ok enumerator

No error, successful operation.

unsupportedProtocol enumerator

Unsupported protocol.

failedInit enumerator

internal/Initialization failure.

urlMalformat enumerator

Malformed URL.

notBuiltIn enumerator

Functionality not built-in.

couldntResolveProxy enumerator

Could not resolve proxy.

couldntResolveHost enumerator

Could not resolve host.

couldntConnect enumerator

Could not connect to the server.

weirdServerReply enumerator

Unexpected server reply.

remoteAccessDenied enumerator

Access denied by the server.

ftpAcceptFailed enumerator

FTP accept failed.

ftpWeirdPassReply enumerator

Weird FTP password reply.

ftpAcceptTimeout enumerator

FTP accept timeout.

ftpWeirdPasvReply enumerator

Weird FTP PASV reply.

ftpWeird227Format enumerator

Weird FTP 227 response format.

ftpCantGetHost enumerator

Could not retrieve host from FTP.

http2 enumerator

HTTP/2 framing layer problem.

ftpCouldntSetType enumerator

Could not set FTP transfer type.

partialFile enumerator

Partial file transfer.

ftpCouldntRetrFile enumerator

Could not retrieve FTP file.

obsolete20 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

quoteError enumerator

Failure in executing quote command.

httpReturnedError enumerator

HTTP server returned an error.

writeError enumerator

Error writing data.

obsolete24 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

uploadFailed enumerator

Upload failed.

readError enumerator

Error reading file.

outOfMemory enumerator

Out of memory error.

operationTimedout enumerator

Operation timed out.

obsolete29 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

ftpPortFailed enumerator

FTP PORT command failed.

ftpCouldntUseRest enumerator

FTP REST command failed.

obsolete32 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

rangeError enumerator

RANGE command failed.

httpPostError enumerator

HTTP POST request failed.

sslConnectError enumerator

SSL connection error.

badDownloadResume enumerator

Failed to resume download.

fileCouldntReadFile enumerator

Could not read file.

ldapCannotBind enumerator

LDAP bind operation failed.

ldapSearchFailed enumerator

LDAP search operation failed.

obsolete40 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

functionNotFound enumerator

Function not found.

abortedByCallback enumerator

Operation aborted by callback.

badFunctionArgument enumerator

Bad function argument.

obsolete44 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

interfaceFailed enumerator

Interface operation failed.

obsolete46 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

tooManyRedirects enumerator

Too many redirects.

unknownOption enumerator

Unknown option specified.

setoptOptionSyntax enumerator

Syntax error in setopt option.

obsolete50 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

obsolete51 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

gotNothing enumerator

No data received.

sslEngineNotfound enumerator

SSL engine not found.

sslEngineSetfailed enumerator

Failed to set SSL engine.

sendError enumerator

Error sending data.

recvError enumerator

Error receiving data.

obsolete57 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

sslCertproblem enumerator

Problem with local certificate.

sslCipher enumerator

Could not use specified SSL cipher.

peerFailedVerification enumerator

Peer certificate verification failed.

badContentEncoding enumerator

Unrecognized content encoding.

obsolete62 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

filesizeExceeded enumerator

File size exceeded the maximum allowed.

useSslFailed enumerator

Failed to use SSL.

sendFailRewind enumerator

Failed to rewind and send data.

sslEngineInitfailed enumerator

SSL engine initialization failed.

loginDenied enumerator

Login denied (user/password incorrect).

tftpNotfound enumerator

TFTP file not found.

tftpPerm enumerator

TFTP permission denied.

remoteDiskFull enumerator

Remote disk full.

tftpIllegal enumerator

Illegal TFTP operation.

tftpUnknownid enumerator

Unknown TFTP transfer ID.

remoteFileExists enumerator

Remote file already exists.

tftpNosuchuser enumerator

No such TFTP user.

obsolete75 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

obsolete76 enumerator

Obsolete error code (not used).

sslCacertBadfile enumerator

Could not load CA certificate file.

remoteFileNotFound enumerator

Remote file not found.

ssh enumerator

SSH layer error.

sslShutdownFailed enumerator

Failed to shut down SSL connection.

again enumerator

Socket is not ready, try again later.

sslCrlBadfile enumerator

Could not load SSL CRL file.

sslIssuerError enumerator

SSL issuer verification failed.

ftpPretFailed enumerator

FTP PRET command failed.

rtspCseqError enumerator

RTSP CSeq mismatch.

rtspSessionError enumerator

RTSP session ID mismatch.

ftpBadFileList enumerator

FTP file list parsing failed.

chunkFailed enumerator

Chunk callback error.

noConnectionAvailable enumerator

No connection available.

sslPinnedpubkeynotmatch enumerator

Pinned public key did not match.

sslInvalidcertstatus enumerator

Invalid SSL certificate status.

http2Stream enumerator

HTTP/2 stream error.

recursiveApiCall enumerator

API function called recursively.

authError enumerator

Authentication function returned error.

http3 enumerator

HTTP/3 layer problem.

quicConnectError enumerator

QUIC connection error.

proxy enumerator

Proxy handshake error.

sslClientcert enumerator

Client-side certificate required.

unrecoverablePoll enumerator

Fatal poll/select error.

tooLarge enumerator

Data exceeded its maximum allowed size.

HTTPBasicAuth class


Structure representing HTTP Basic Authentication.

username variable

std::string username

Username for basic authentication.

password variable

std::string password

Password for basic authentication.

HTTPBearerAuth class


Structure representing HTTP Bearer Authentication.

token variable

std::string token

Bearer token for authentication.

HTTPMethod enum

enum class HTTPMethod

Enum representing different HTTP methods.

Auto enumerator

HTTP POST if requestBody is not null, GET otherwise.

Get enumerator

HTTP GET method.

Post enumerator

HTTP POST method.

Put enumerator

HTTP PUT method.

Head enumerator

HTTP HEAD method.

Delete enumerator


Patch enumerator

HTTP PATCH method.

HTTPRequest class


Structure representing an HTTP request.

url variable

std::string url

The URL for the HTTP request.

method variable

HTTPMethod method = HTTPMethod::Auto

The HTTP method for the request.

referer variable

std::string referer =

Optional Referer header.

headers variable

std::vector<std::string> headers

Additional headers for the request.

followLocation variable

bool followLocation = true

Whether to follow redirects.

authentication variable

std::variant<std::monostate, HTTPBasicAuth,
             HTTPBearerAuth> authentication

Authentication options.

timeout variable

std::chrono::milliseconds timeout

Request timeout duration.

HTTPResponse class


Structure representing an HTTP response.

error variable

FetchErrorCode error

Error code indicating the result of the request.

httpCode variable

std::optional<int> httpCode

Optional HTTP response code.

effectiveUrl variable

std::optional<std::string> effectiveUrl

Optional effective URL after redirects.

headers variable

std::vector<std::string> headers

Response headers.

ok function

bool ok() const noexcept

Checks if the HTTP response indicates a successful request.
Returns true if the response is successful (HTTP 2xx), false otherwise.

operator bool function

explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Checks if the HTTP response indicates a successful request.
Returns true if the response is successful (HTTP 2xx), false otherwise.

fetchErrorCodeString function

std::string fetchErrorCodeString(FetchErrorCode code)

Converts a FetchErrorCode to a string representation.
Param code The FetchErrorCode to convert.
Returns A string representing the error code.

httpFetch function

HTTPResponse httpFetch(const HTTPRequest &request,
                       RC<Stream> requestBody,
                       RC<Stream> responseBody)

Makes an HTTP request.
Param request The HTTPRequest object containing the request details.
Param requestBody The body of the request (if applicable).
Param responseBody The stream to store the response body.
Returns HTTPResponse object containing the result of the request.

httpFetchBytes function

std::pair<HTTPResponse, Bytes>
httpFetchBytes(const HTTPRequest &request)

Makes an HTTP request and returns the response body as bytes.
Param request The HTTPRequest object containing the request details.
Returns A pair containing the HTTPResponse and the response body in bytes.

httpUserAgent variable

extern std::optional<std::string> httpUserAgent

If empty, value returned by defaultHttpUserAgent() is used

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