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Widgets module

ConfirmDialog class


A dialog component for confirming an action.

This dialog is used to ask the user to confirm or cancel an action, displaying a message and an icon.

ConfirmDialog(std::string text, std::string icon)

Constructor for ConfirmDialog.
Param text The confirmation message to display.
Param icon The icon to display alongside the message.

text variable

std::string text

The confirmation message text.

icon variable

std::string icon

The icon displayed alongside the confirmation message.

DialogComponent class


A component representing a dialog, with buttons to accept or reject.

A DialogComponent is a special type of component that includes standard dialog behavior such as accepting, rejecting, or closing the dialog.

accept function

void accept()

Accepts the dialog.

This is equivalent to the user pressing an "OK" button or accepting the dialog's content.

reject function

void reject()

Rejects the dialog.

This is equivalent to the user pressing a "Cancel" button or rejecting the dialog's content.

close function

void close(bool result)

Closes the dialog with a specific result.
Param result The result of the dialog, true for accepted and false for rejected.

accepted function

virtual void accepted()

Called when the dialog is accepted.

Derived classes can override this to implement custom behavior on acceptance.

rejected function

virtual void rejected()

Called when the dialog is rejected.

Derived classes can override this to implement custom behavior on rejection.

result variable

bool result = false

The result of the dialog, true if accepted, false if rejected.

onAccepted variable

DeferredCallbacks<> onAccepted

Callback triggered when the dialog is accepted.

onRejected variable

DeferredCallbacks<> onRejected

Callback triggered when the dialog is rejected.

dialogButtons function

dialogButtons(DialogButtons buttons,
              std::string okBtn = "OK||Button"_tr,
              std::string cancelBtn = "Cancel||Button"_tr)

Creates buttons for the dialog.

This method generates OK and Cancel buttons for the dialog.
Param buttons Specifies the types of buttons to create.
Param okBtn The label for the OK button. Default is "OK".
Param cancelBtn The label for the Cancel button. Default is "Cancel".
Returns A reference-counted pointer to the created widget containing the buttons.

Item class


ItemWidget that represents a list item or a menu item.

This class encapsulates the behavior of an item widget, which can have an icon, be checkable, and interact with various user events.

template <WidgetArgument... Args>
explicit Item(const Args&... args) : Item(Construction

Constructor for the Item class.

This constructor initializes the Item widget with the given arguments, including sub-widgets.
Template param Args The types of the arguments passed to the constructor.
Param args The arguments used for constructing the Item widget.

icon variable

Property<Item, std::string, &Item::m_icon> icon

The icon property of the Item.

This property represents the icon displayed in the item.

checkable variable

Property<Item, bool, &Item::m_checkable> checkable

The checkable property of the Item.

This property indicates whether the item contains a checkbox and can be checked/unchecked.

checked variable

Property<Item, bool, &Item::m_checked, nullptr, nullptr,
         &Item::onChanged> checked

The checked property of the Item.

This property represents the checkbox state of the item. It triggers the(UNKNOWN ID: ('ref', 'onChanged'))function when the state changes.

closesPopup variable

Property<Item, bool, &Item::m_closesPopup> closesPopup

The closesPopup property of the Item.

If true, clicking the item will close the nearest parent widget that is a popup. This is typically used for menu items.

dynamicFocus variable

Property<Item, bool, &Item::m_dynamicFocus> dynamicFocus

The dynamicFocus property of the Item.

If true, the widget will take focus on mouse hover, similar to how a menu item behaves.

MessageDialog class


A dialog component for displaying messages with an icon.

This dialog is used to show a message along with an optional icon.

MessageDialog(std::string text, std::string icon)

Constructor for MessageDialog.
Param text The message text to display.
Param icon The icon to display alongside the message.

text variable

std::string text

The message text.

icon variable

std::string icon

The icon displayed alongside the message.

Progress class


ProgressA widget that represents the entire progress indicator, including the progress bar and optional decorations.

The Progress class manages the progress value, handles user-defined changes.

If no custom ProgressBar is provided during the construction of Progress, a default instance of ProgressBar is automatically created and linked to it.


ProgressA widget that represents the entire progress indicator, including the progress bar and optional decorations.

The Progress class manages the progress value, handles user-defined changes.

If no custom ProgressBar is provided during the construction of Progress, a default instance of ProgressBar is automatically created and linked to it.

template <WidgetArgument... Args>
explicit Progress(const Args&... args) : Progress(Construction

Constructs a Progress widget.
Param args Widget arguments and property values.
Note If a custom instance of ProgressBar widget is not provided, a default one is created.

ProgressBar class


ProgressBarA non-standalone widget that represents the moving bar within a Progress widget.

The ProgressBar class is always created as a child widget to a Progress widget. It visually represents the moving bar that indicates the current progress, while the Progress widget represents the entire progress indicator.

If a ProgressBar instance is not explicitly provided when constructing a Progress widget, a default ProgressBar instance will be automatically created and associated with the Progress widget.
Note This class is final and cannot be subclassed.

template <WidgetArgument... Args>
explicit ProgressBar(const Args&... args) : Widget(Construction

Constructs a ProgressBar widget.

The ProgressBar is meant to be used only as a child to the Progress widget.
Param args Widget arguments and property values.

updateValue function

void updateValue()

Updates the value of the progress bar.

TextInputDialog class


A dialog component for text input.

This dialog presents a prompt and allows the user to input text.

TextInputDialog(std::string prompt, std::string defaultValue =

Constructor for TextInputDialog.
Param prompt The prompt text displayed to the user.
Param defaultValue The default value of the input field. Defaults to an empty string.

prompt variable

std::string prompt

The prompt message displayed to the user.

value variable

std::string value

The input value entered by the user.

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