File include/brisk/core/internal/Functional.hpp
template <typename Functor>
inline auto generate(size_t count, Functor functor)
-> std::vector<decltype(functor())>
Generates a vector by applying a functor a specified number of times.
This function creates a vector of a given size and fills it with values
generated by invoking the provided functor.
Template param Functor
The type of the functor used for generating values.
Param count
The number of elements to generate.
Param functor
The functor that produces the values.
Returns A vector containing the generated values.
template <typename ValueType, typename Alloc,
typename Functor>
inline auto
map(const std::vector<ValueType, Alloc> &container,
Functor &&functor)
-> std::vector<
Transforms the elements of a vector using a functor.
This function applies the provided functor to each element of the input vector
and returns a new vector containing the transformed values.
Template param ValueType
The type of the elements in the input vector.
Template param Alloc
The allocator type used by the input vector.
Template param Functor
The type of the functor used for transformation.
Param container
The input vector to transform.
Param functor
The functor to apply to each element of the vector.
Returns A vector containing the transformed values.
Auto-generated from sources, Revision ,