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File include/brisk/graphics/Fonts.hpp

EUnicode class


EFreeType class


TextSpan class


TextWithOptions class


OpenTypeFeatureFlag class


FontManager class


FontMetrics class


FontMetricsRepresents metrics for a font, providing details about its dimensions and spacing.

size variable (FontMetrics::size)

float size

The size of the font in points.

ascender variable (FontMetrics::ascender)

float ascender

The ascender height, always positive and points upwards.

descender variable (FontMetrics::descender)

float descender

The descender height, always negative and points downwards.

height variable (FontMetrics::height)

float height

The total height of the font, including ascender, descender, and line gap.

spaceAdvanceX variable (FontMetrics::spaceAdvanceX)

float spaceAdvanceX

The horizontal advance width for a space character.

lineThickness variable (FontMetrics::lineThickness)

float lineThickness

The thickness of lines, such as for underline or strikethrough.

xHeight variable (FontMetrics::xHeight)

float xHeight

The height of the lowercase 'x' character.

capitalHeight variable (FontMetrics::capitalHeight)

float capitalHeight

The height of uppercase characters.

linegap function (FontMetrics::linegap)

float linegap() const noexcept

Computes the line gap, the vertical space between lines of text.
Returns The line gap value.

vertBounds function (FontMetrics::vertBounds)

float vertBounds() const noexcept

Computes the vertical bounds of the font.
Returns The total vertical bounds (ascender - descender).

underlineOffset function (FontMetrics::underlineOffset)

float underlineOffset() const noexcept

Computes the offset for an underline relative to the baseline.
Returns The underline offset.

overlineOffset function (FontMetrics::overlineOffset)

float overlineOffset() const noexcept

Computes the offset for an overline relative to the baseline.
Returns The overline offset.

lineThroughOffset function (FontMetrics::lineThroughOffset)

float lineThroughOffset() const noexcept

Computes the offset for a line through the text.
Returns The line-through offset.

operator== function (FontMetrics::operator==)

bool operator==(const FontMetrics &b) const noexcept =

Compares two FontMetrics objects for equality.
Param b The FontMetrics object to compare against.
Returns True if the objects are equal, false otherwise.

GlyphRun class


Represents a sequence of glyphs along with their associated properties.

The GlyphRun struct encapsulates the properties and operations of a run of glyphs, including positioning, font information, and range calculations.

FontFace class (Internal::FontFace)


GlyphData class (Internal::GlyphData)


Contains detailed data about a single glyph, including its metrics and rendered sprite.

TextRun class (Internal::TextRun)


Represents a segment of text with uniform properties such as direction and font face.


Represents a segment of text with uniform properties such as direction and font face.

direction variable (Internal::TextRun::direction)

TextDirection direction

The direction of the text in this run (e.g., left-to-right or right-to-left).

begin variable (Internal::TextRun::begin)

int32_t begin

The starting index of the text run within the text.

end variable (Internal::TextRun::end)

int32_t end

The ending index of the text run within the text.

visualOrder variable (Internal::TextRun::visualOrder)

int32_t visualOrder

The visual order of the text run.

This indicates the position of the run when rendered visually.

face variable (Internal::TextRun::face)

FontFace *face

Pointer to the font face associated with the text run.

operator== function (Internal::TextRun::operator==)

bool operator==(const TextRun &) const noexcept = default

Equality comparison operator for TextRun.

GlyphFlags enum (Internal::GlyphFlags)

enum class GlyphFlags : uint8_t

GlyphFlagsFlags used to define various properties of glyphs.

This enum class defines a set of flags used to represent different characteristics of glyphs, which are typically used in text rendering or processing.

None enumerator (Internal::GlyphFlags::None)

No special properties.

The glyph has no special attributes or flags.

SafeToBreak enumerator (Internal::GlyphFlags::SafeToBreak)

Glyph can be safely broken across lines.

Indicates that this glyph can be safely broken when wrapping text across multiple lines.

AtLineBreak enumerator (Internal::GlyphFlags::AtLineBreak)

Glyph is at a line break position.

Marks this glyph as occurring at a line break (e.g., the glyph is at the end of a line or paragraph).

IsControl enumerator (Internal::GlyphFlags::IsControl)

Glyph represents a control character.

This flag indicates that the glyph is a control character, such as a non-printing character used for text formatting or control.

IsPrintable enumerator (Internal::GlyphFlags::IsPrintable)

Glyph is printable.

Indicates that this glyph is part of the visible text and can be printed or displayed on screen.

IsCompactedWhitespace enumerator (Internal::GlyphFlags::IsCompactedWhitespace)

Glyph is compacted whitespace.

Denotes that the glyph represents whitespace at a line break which doesn't extend the visual line bounds. This is commonly used to indicate collapsed or compacted whitespace characters.

Glyph class (Internal::Glyph)


Represents an individual glyph with its properties and positioning information.

glyph variable (Internal::Glyph::glyph)

uint32_t glyph = UINT32_MAX

The glyph ID, identifying the specific glyph in the font.

codepoint variable (Internal::Glyph::codepoint)

char32_t codepoint = UINT32_MAX

The Unicode codepoint represented by this glyph.

pos variable (Internal::Glyph::pos)

PointF pos

Position of the glyph relative to its parent context.

left_caret variable (Internal::Glyph::left_caret)

float left_caret = -1.f

The position of the left caret for the glyph.

right_caret variable (Internal::Glyph::right_caret)

float right_caret = -1.f

The position of the right caret for the glyph.

begin_char variable (Internal::Glyph::begin_char)

uint32_t begin_char = UINT32_MAX

The index of the first character in the cluster associated with the glyph.

end_char variable (Internal::Glyph::end_char)

uint32_t end_char = UINT32_MAX

The index of the first character after the cluster associated with the glyph. This marks the position immediately following the last character in the cluster.

dir variable (Internal::Glyph::dir)

TextDirection dir = TextDirection::LTR

The text direction for this glyph (e.g., left-to-right or right-to-left).

flags variable (Internal::Glyph::flags)

GlyphFlags flags = GlyphFlags::None

Flags providing additional properties or states of the glyph.

caretForDirection function (Internal::Glyph::caretForDirection)

float caretForDirection(bool inverse) const

Computes the caret position for the glyph based on the text direction.
Param inverse If true, calculates the caret in the opposite direction.
Returns float The computed caret position.
Note This is an internal method and should not be used directly.

load function (Internal::Glyph::load)

optional<GlyphData> load(const GlyphRun &run) const

Loads and renders the glyph into SpriteResource.
Param run The glyph run containing this glyph.
Returns optional<GlyphData> The loaded glyph data if available, or an empty value otherwise.
Note This is an internal method and should not be used directly.

GlyphData class (Internal::GlyphData)


Contains detailed data about a single glyph, including its metrics and rendered sprite.

size variable (Internal::GlyphData::size)

Size size

The size of the glyph in its rendered form.

sprite variable (Internal::GlyphData::sprite)

RC<SpriteResource> sprite

A reference-counted resource pointing to the sprite used to render the glyph.

offset_x variable (Internal::GlyphData::offset_x)

float offset_x

The horizontal offset from the glyph's origin to the start of its shape.

Known as the "left bearing," this value determines the space between the glyph's origin and the leftmost edge of its bounding box.

offset_y variable (Internal::GlyphData::offset_y)

int offset_y

The vertical offset from the glyph's origin to the top of its shape.

Known as the "top bearing," this value is positive for upwards Y-coordinates and determines the space between the glyph's baseline and the topmost edge of its bounding box.

advance_x variable (Internal::GlyphData::advance_x)

float advance_x

The horizontal distance to advance to the next glyph's origin.

This is the space the glyph occupies horizontally, including the glyph itself and any trailing whitespace.

GlyphRunBounds enum

enum class GlyphRunBounds

Specifies the types of bounds that can be calculated for a glyph run.

Text enumerator (GlyphRunBounds::Text)

Bounds that consider all glyphs in the run, including whitespace.

Alignment enumerator (GlyphRunBounds::Alignment)

Bounds that exclude whitespace at line breaks.

Printable enumerator (GlyphRunBounds::Printable)

Bounds that consider only printable glyphs in the run.

AscenderDescender class


GlyphRun class


Represents a sequence of glyphs along with their associated properties.

The GlyphRun struct encapsulates the properties and operations of a run of glyphs, including positioning, font information, and range calculations.

glyphs variable (GlyphRun::glyphs)

Internal::GlyphList glyphs

List of glyphs contained in this run in visual order (left-to-right).

face variable (GlyphRun::face)

Internal::FontFace *face

Pointer to the font face associated with the glyph run.

fontSize variable (GlyphRun::fontSize)

float fontSize = 0

Font size of the glyph run.

metrics variable (GlyphRun::metrics)

FontMetrics metrics

Metrics of the font used in the glyph run.

decoration variable (GlyphRun::decoration)

TextDecoration decoration = TextDecoration::None

Text decoration applied to the glyph run (e.g., underline, strikethrough).

direction variable (GlyphRun::direction)

TextDirection direction

Text direction of the glyph run (left-to-right or right-to-left).

rangesValid variable (GlyphRun::rangesValid)

mutable bool rangesValid = false

Indicates whether the horizontal ranges are valid and up-to-date.

textHRange variable (GlyphRun::textHRange)

mutable InclusiveRange<float> textHRange

Horizontal range of all glyphs in the run.

alignmentHRange variable (GlyphRun::alignmentHRange)

mutable InclusiveRange<float> alignmentHRange

Horizontal range of glyphs, excluding whitespace at line breaks.

printableHRange variable (GlyphRun::printableHRange)

mutable InclusiveRange<float> printableHRange

Horizontal range of printable glyphs in the run.

visualOrder variable (GlyphRun::visualOrder)

int32_t visualOrder

Visual order of the glyph run within the text.

verticalAlign variable (GlyphRun::verticalAlign)

float verticalAlign

Vertical offset of the glyph run relative to the text baseline.

position variable (GlyphRun::position)

PointF position

Position of the left-most point of the glyph run at the text baseline.

bounds function (GlyphRun::bounds)

RectangleF bounds(GlyphRunBounds boundsType) const

Returns the bounds of the glyph run.
Param boundsType Specifies the type of bounds to compute.
Returns RectangleF The computed bounds of the glyph run.

size function (GlyphRun::size)

SizeF size(GlyphRunBounds boundsType) const

Returns the size of the glyph run.
Param boundsType Specifies the type of bounds to consider for size calculation.
Returns SizeF The size of the glyph run.

invalidateRanges function (GlyphRun::invalidateRanges)

void invalidateRanges()

Marks the horizontal ranges of the glyph run as invalid.

Call this function whenever glyph modifications require recalculating ranges.

updateRanges function (GlyphRun::updateRanges)

void updateRanges() const

Updates the horizontal ranges of the glyph run.

Ensures the ranges (e.g., textHRange, alignmentHRange, printableHRange) are valid and accurate.

breakAt function (GlyphRun::breakAt)

GlyphRun breakAt(float width, bool allowEmpty,
                 bool wrapAnywhere) &

Returns the widest glyph run that fits within the specified width and removes those glyphs.
Param width The maximum width available for the glyph run.
Param allowEmpty A boolean flag that determines whether an empty glyph run is allowed as a result.
Returns GlyphRun The widest glyph run that fits within the specified width.

flags function (GlyphRun::flags)

Internal::GlyphFlags flags() const

Retrieves the glyph flags associated with the glyph run.
Returns Internal::GlyphFlags The flags indicating properties or states of the glyphs.

charRange function (GlyphRun::charRange)

Range<uint32_t> charRange() const

Retrieves the character range covered by the glyph run.
Returns Range<uint32_t> The range of characters covered by this glyph run.

Font class


Represents font properties and settings for text rendering.

PreparedText class


Represents text that has been processed and prepared for rendering or layout.

The PreparedText struct manages glyph runs, logical and visual orders, grapheme boundaries, caret positions, and alignment for efficient text layout and rendering.

runs variable (PreparedText::runs)

GlyphRuns runs

The glyph runs associated with the text, stored in logical order.

visualOrder variable (PreparedText::visualOrder)

std::vector<uint32_t> visualOrder

The visual order of the glyph runs.

Each entry corresponds to an index in runs, and visualOrder.size() must equal runs.size().

options variable (PreparedText::options)

LayoutOptions options = LayoutOptions::Default

Layout options applied during text preparation.

graphemeBoundaries variable (PreparedText::graphemeBoundaries)

std::vector<uint32_t> graphemeBoundaries

Caret offsets (grapheme boundaries) within the text.

Each entry indicates the a grapheme boundary, providing a mapping between graphemes and characters.

caretPositions variable (PreparedText::caretPositions)

std::vector<float> caretPositions

The caret positions for each grapheme boundary.

This vector is populated by updateCaretData and contains one entry per grapheme boundary.

ranges variable (PreparedText::ranges)

std::vector<InclusiveRange<float>> ranges

The ranges of horizontal positions for each grapheme.

This vector is populated by updateCaretData and contains one entry per grapheme.

GlyphLine class (PreparedText::GlyphLine)


Represents a line of glyphs, including its range and metrics.

runRange variable (PreparedText::GlyphLine::runRange)

Range<uint32_t> runRange

Range of runs (sequence of glyphs sharing the same style) in the line.

This range is empty if the line contains no runs.

graphemeRange variable (PreparedText::GlyphLine::graphemeRange)

Range<uint32_t> graphemeRange

Range of grapheme boundaries (caret positions) in the line.

This range is always non-empty, even if the line contains no visible content.

ascDesc variable (PreparedText::GlyphLine::ascDesc)

AscenderDescender ascDesc

The ascender and descender metrics for the line.

Contains the maximum ascender and descender values for the glyphs in the line.

baseline variable (PreparedText::GlyphLine::baseline)

float baseline = 0.f

The baseline position for the line.

Represents the vertical offset between this line's baseline and the baseline of the first line.

empty function (PreparedText::GlyphLine::empty)

bool empty() const noexcept

Checks if the line is empty.

A line is considered empty if it contains no runs.
Returns true if the line is empty, false otherwise.

lines variable (PreparedText::lines)

std::vector<GlyphLine> lines

A collection of GlyphLine objects, representing multiple lines of text.

updateCaretData function (PreparedText::updateCaretData)

void updateCaretData()

Updates the caret positions and horizontal ranges for graphemes.

This function calculates and fills the caretPositions and ranges fields based on the current text properties.

caretToGrapheme function (PreparedText::caretToGrapheme)

uint32_t caretToGrapheme(PointF pt) const

Maps a point to the nearest grapheme boundary.

Determines the grapheme boundary index corresponding to the provided point in text layout space.
Param pt The point in text layout space.
Returns uint32_t The index of the nearest grapheme boundary.

graphemeToCaret function (PreparedText::graphemeToCaret)

PointF graphemeToCaret(uint32_t graphemeIndex) const

Maps a grapheme boundary index to its caret position.

Calculates the position of the caret corresponding to the given grapheme boundary in text layout space.
Param graphemeIndex The index of the grapheme boundary.
Returns PointF The caret position for the specified grapheme.

yToLine function (PreparedText::yToLine)

int32_t yToLine(float y) const

Maps a vertical position to the nearest text line.

Determines the line index corresponding to the given vertical position in text layout space.
Param y The vertical position in text layout space.
Returns int32_t The index of the nearest line, or -1 if the position is outside the layout.

runVisual function (PreparedText::runVisual)

const GlyphRun &runVisual(uint32_t index) const

Retrieves a glyph run in visual order.
Param index The index in visual order to retrieve.
Returns const GlyphRun& The glyph run at the specified visual order index.

GlyphRun &runVisual(uint32_t index)

Retrieves a modifiable glyph run in visual order.
Param index The index in visual order to retrieve.
Returns GlyphRun& The modifiable glyph run at the specified visual order index.

bounds function (PreparedText::bounds)

RectangleF bounds(GlyphRunBounds boundsType =
                      GlyphRunBounds::Alignment) const

Calculates the bounds of the text based on the specified bounds type.
Param boundsType The type of bounds to calculate (e.g., text, alignment, printable).
Returns RectangleF The calculated bounds of the text.

wrap function (PreparedText::wrap)

PreparedText wrap(float maxWidth,
                  bool wrapAnywhere = false) &&

Wraps text to fit within the given width, modifying the current object.

Wraps lines of text to fit within the specified maxWidth. If wrapAnywhere is true, the text can break between any graphemes. Otherwise, breaks occur at word boundaries.
Param maxWidth Maximum allowed width for the text.
Param wrapAnywhere If true, allows breaking between any graphemes; otherwise, breaks at word boundaries.
Returns PreparedText The modified object with wrapped lines.

PreparedText wrap(float maxWidth,
                  bool wrapAnywhere = false) const &

Wraps text to fit within the given width, returning a copy.

Wraps lines of text so that they fit within the specified maxWidth. If wrapAnywhere is true, the text can break between any graphemes. Otherwise, breaks occur at word boundaries.
Param maxWidth Maximum allowed width for the text.
Param wrapAnywhere If true, allows breaking between any graphemes; otherwise, breaks at word boundaries.
Returns PreparedText A copy with wrapped lines.

alignLines function (PreparedText::alignLines)

PointF alignLines(float alignment_x,
                  float alignment_y = 0.f)

Aligns text lines horizontally and vertically.

Adjusts the horizontal offsets of each line based on alignment_x and returns a PointF with overall horizontal and vertical offsets. Apply the returned offset when painting PreparedText for proper vertical alignment.
Param alignment_x Horizontal alignment factor (0: left, 0.5: center, 1: right).
Param alignment_y Vertical alignment factor (0: top, 0.5: center, 1: bottom).
Returns PointF Offsets for alignment.

characterToGrapheme function (PreparedText::characterToGrapheme)

uint32_t characterToGrapheme(uint32_t charIndex) const

Converts a character index to its corresponding grapheme index.
Param charIndex The character index to convert.
Returns uint32_t The corresponding grapheme index.

graphemeToCharacter function (PreparedText::graphemeToCharacter)

uint32_t graphemeToCharacter(uint32_t graphemeIndex) const

Converts a grapheme index to its corresponding character index.
Param graphemeIndex The grapheme index to convert.
Returns uint32_t The corresponding character index.

graphemeToCharacters function (PreparedText::graphemeToCharacters)

graphemeToCharacters(uint32_t graphemeIndex) const

Retrieves the range of characters corresponding to a grapheme index.
Param graphemeIndex The grapheme index to query.
Returns Range<uint32_t> The range of character indices covered by the grapheme.

OpenTypeFeatureFlags typedef

OpenTypeFeatureFlags = inline_vector<OpenTypeFeatureFlag, 7>

A collection of OpenType feature flags.

Font class


Represents font properties and settings for text rendering.

fontFamily variable (Font::fontFamily)

FontFamily fontFamily = FontFamily::Default

The font family.

fontSize variable (Font::fontSize)

float fontSize = 10.f

The size of the font in points.

style variable (Font::style)

FontStyle style = FontStyle::Normal

The style of the font (e.g., normal, italic).

weight variable (Font::weight)

FontWeight weight = FontWeight::Regular

The weight of the font (e.g., regular, bold).

textDecoration variable (Font::textDecoration)

TextDecoration textDecoration = TextDecoration::None

Text decoration (e.g., underline, none).

lineHeight variable (Font::lineHeight)

float lineHeight = 1.2f

Line height as a multiplier.

tabWidth variable (Font::tabWidth)

float tabWidth = 8.f

Tab width in space units.

letterSpacing variable (Font::letterSpacing)

float letterSpacing = 0.f

Additional space between letters.

wordSpacing variable (Font::wordSpacing)

float wordSpacing = 0.f

Additional space between words.

verticalAlign variable (Font::verticalAlign)

float verticalAlign = 0.f

Vertical alignment offset.

features variable (Font::features)

OpenTypeFeatureFlags features

OpenType features for advanced text styling.

operator() function (Font::operator())

Font operator()(FontFamily fontFamily) const

Creates a copy of the font with a new font family.
Param fontFamily The new font family.
Returns Font A copy with the updated font family.

Font operator()(float fontSize) const

Creates a copy of the font with a new font size.
Param fontSize The new font size.
Returns Font A copy with the updated font size.

Font operator()(FontStyle style) const

Creates a copy of the font with a new style.
Param style The new font style.
Returns Font A copy with the updated font style.

Font operator()(FontWeight weight) const

Creates a copy of the font with a new weight.
Param weight The new font weight.
Returns Font A copy with the updated font weight.

operator== function (Font::operator==)

bool operator==(const Font &b) const noexcept = default

Compares two fonts for equality.

FontStyleAndWeight class


Combines font style and weight for simplified handling.

style variable (FontStyleAndWeight::style)

FontStyle style = FontStyle::Normal

The font style (e.g., normal, italic).

weight variable (FontStyleAndWeight::weight)

FontWeight weight = FontWeight::Regular

The font weight (e.g., regular, bold).

operator== function (FontStyleAndWeight::operator==)

bool operator==(
    const FontStyleAndWeight &b) const noexcept = default

Compares two FontStyleAndWeight objects for equality.

FontError class


OSFont class


FontManager class


ShapeCacheEntry class (FontManager::ShapeCacheEntry)


splitTextRuns function (Internal::splitTextRuns)

splitTextRuns(std::u32string_view text,
              TextDirection defaultDirection,
              bool visualOrder)

Splits a string of text into multiple TextRun objects based on directionality.

This function analyzes the given text and segments it into runs of uniform properties. It takes into account the specified default text direction and optionally applies visual order for bidirectional text.
Param text The text to be split into text runs.
Param defaultDirection The default text direction to use if no explicit directionality is detected.
Param visualOrder If true, the resulting text runs will be reordered to match the visual order of the text.
Returns std::vector<TextRun> A vector of TextRun objects representing the segmented text.

icuAvailable variable

extern bool icuAvailable

Indicates whether the ICU library is available for full Unicode support.

When icuAvailable is true, the font functions will have full Unicode support for Bidirectional (BiDi) text processing (using splitTextRuns) and grapheme/line breaking functionality (textBreakPositions).

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